The Arm and a Leg

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Chapter 17 

Anna wasn't sure if she was grateful or not when the dust finally settled. She had to bite the edge of her fist to keep from screaming at what was revealed. A group of soldiers was standing in a semi-circle not far from her with their weapons raised. Havoc was among their number, as was Riza. They were all focused on the trio that was battling not far from them.

Scar was indeed their opponent, and the man was having difficulties countering both Roy's flames and Major Armstrong's projectiles. Any time he got close to one of them, the other was quick to attack. They were trying to drive the man into a corner so they could arrest him. Unfortunately, Anna was well aware of how little good it would do them. She felt useless that staring was all she could do.

Knowing what might happen and seeing the battle unfold in front of her were two different things. These were people—real, live people that were already bleeding and could well die. Knowing how it was supposed to happen did not help when she knew the timeline was already altered. Because of that, it took her a moment to look around for Ed and Al.

When she finally spotted them on the far side of the battle, she choked back another scream. Al was missing a fist and one leg, but he was still leaning protectively over Ed. The older brother was on the ground near a gaping hole and bleeding from a head wound. He barely managed to prop himself up with his good arm, as the other was gone. That wasn't the only loss. From where Anna was standing, she couldn't tell for sure, but it looked like his automail leg was missing as well.

Her feet were already moving before her mind caught up. She heard Maes call out her name but ignored him as she ran around the buildings. She didn't try to go through the fighting. Instead, she opted to find a way around to the other side. By the time she made it around to the far side of the hole in the road, the area was shaken by a mighty explosion. She watched in horror as part of a nearby building started to crumble toward Mustang and Armstrong.

Time seemed to slow as the sound of screams came from inside the falling building. The soldiers were all trying to scramble out of the way, except for the two alchemists. They were too close to the destruction. All Anna could see was the falling bricks as they tumbled to where Mustang and Armstrong were standing. Finally, the major managed to grab Roy and jumped out of the danger zone, but that did not help any people who fell with the rubble.

Anna's attention was split between watching to see if Roy and Armstrong rose from the dust and watching as Ed punched the ground with a curse. She had to bite back a curse of her own as she realized he was more upset that he couldn't use his alchemy to stop the building from falling. If he had both arms, he was talented enough that he might have been able to pull it off.

She was overwhelmed with a mix of anger at Scar, relief for the two alchemists that managed to rise from the dust, and frustration that she didn't think fast enough to do anything herself to stop the destruction. She barely even had space to wonder if Scar had managed to get away in the destruction he caused. In the end, she pushed it all back as she made her way around the edge of the hole and toward the two Elrics.

Al was the first to spot her, and he stopped in the middle of reprimanding his brother with a surprised noise. Ed looked up and frowned when he saw her, but she ignored it as she reached his side and said, "Are you hurt other than your head? If I let you lean on me, can you make it back to the cars, or do I need to call help over?"

Ed was still glaring at the ground, so Al answered for him. "Other than being stupid for trying to give up his life to save mine, he's fine. He's too hard-headed for that scratch to hurt."

Ed managed to push himself into a semi-seated position and glared at his younger brother as he said, "What did you expect me to do? He went after you for helping me. I'm not going to stand around and let you die."

Even though none of what had just happened was funny, Anna couldn't hold in a chuckle as she grabbed Ed into a hug. She also threw her other arm around Al's middle and pulled them in closer as she said. "You're both dumb, but I'm glad you're safe. I'm sorry that I didn't warn you sooner."

Ed had been struggling to loosen her grip on them, but he froze when he caught her words. He managed to duck out of her hold and frowned at her as he said, "You knew this would happen?"

Anna opened her mouth to try and explain, but Al tapped her shoulder and whispered, "Later." He then raised his voice and said, "Colonel, thank you for the help. I thought we were done for."

Ed gave her a meaningful look, and she nodded that she understood as Major Armstrong came and lifted Ed into his arms. The younger man protested violently, but Al chastised him as he also leaned on the major, and the three of them slowly made their way back to the cars.

Once they were gone, Mustang turned a frown to Anna and said, "I thought I told you to stay in the car?"

She had the grace to look abashed, but her answer was unapologetic. I did—at first. I promise I didn't try to go through the fighting. I made my way around the other side to see if I could help Ed and Al get out of here. I didn't expect Scar to try and bring a building down on your head."

Mustang rubbed one temple as he looked back to where the soldiers were already working to clear the debris and look for survivors. He sighed before he motioned back toward the cars. "Come on. I need to coordinate a cleanup."

Anna was quick to follow, but she noticed he was limping. She quickened her pace until she was right next to him and said, "It's okay if you want to lean against me. I'm sure it's nothing, but the more you stress it before it can be looked at, the worse it will be."

Roy's jaw clenched, and the look he gave her was somewhere between embarrassed and aggravated. He finally shook his head and said, "It really is nothing. I'll be able to walk it off in no time. Besides, weren't you the one limping earlier?"

Anna raised a brow in disbelief and felt a little aggravation of her own but didn't get to say anything. Riza had approached and must have heard enough to understand what he was turning down. She gave him a skeptical look as well as she said, "Colonel, may I remind you that you have several duties left to attend to. Seeking aide when you are injured is nothing to scoff at if it will allow you to finish without delay."

Roy made a frustrated noise as he shot a frown toward his right-hand lieutenant and said, "Leave it to you to remind me of that right now." However, instead of arguing, he waved off their worry and continued walking as he said, "When have I ever let something this insignificant stop me." The two women shared a look at his refusal to admit to an injury, but they still followed him back to where Maes was watching as a soldier helped the two Elrics.

Major Armstrong had taken them to one of the vehicles out of sight from where the survivors were being tended. The sound of sirens could be heard as they approached, but the small group ignored them as they watched the two boys continue to bicker over which was the stupidest for trying to save the other.

Maes spared them a brief look before he looked back at the boys and said, "I've walked into a whole other level of odd here, haven't I?" The words might have come across as harsh if it weren't for the soft tone and look he was giving the boys when he said it.

Mustang just sighed and said, "Yeah. That's putting it mildly."

Maes chuckled and patted Roy's shoulder as he said, "Don't worry. I won't tell any of the higher-ups. That's a can of worms I'd rather not open."

The relief was clear in Roy's voice when he said, "Thanks. I'll owe you one." Maes shot him a grin, but after that, everyone that was not directly involved with the cleanup and rescue headed back toward East Headquarters. There were plenty of questions that needed answers and two boys that needed to be out of the public eye until something could be figured out to help them both.

A/N: Yay! Back again, and this time wasn't quite as long as the last one lol. I am trying to focus some time on my stories that haven't been touched in a while so I can get back into the swing of updating as many as I can find time and motivation for. I am sure you have noticed some changes here, and we will get to see more of that coming. There must always be equivalent exchange after all. How do you think Anna will handle it? How do you think the boys are going to react after they've had time to calm and come to a few realizations? Anyway, I hope you enjoy it so far! Thanks for reading and cheers!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2021 ⏰

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