The Cousin

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Both Ed and Anna turned when Al let out a shocked sound but quickly turned back to face each other. Ed started pacing with his hand on his chin. He only did so for a few moments before he stopped and glared at her again. "If that is the case, then how did you know us?"

Anna could already feel the medicine kicking in and wished the Elric brothers had waited. It was a futile wish, and she knew it, so she tried to formulate an answer that would make sense. "I guess there is some connection between our worlds. I have heard stories of your world in mine, but they are muddled and contradictory, so I know a few people and maybe some events, like the war in Ishval, but not much else. I never thought that they were real."

Ed ran his hand down his face roughly before he stared at his brother. It was several moments before any of them spoke again. The older boy finally turned back to Anna with a frown. "If you are telling the truth, then I can't help but think there was a reason you were dropped here specifically. That thing doesn't do things randomly. I don't always understand, but I know that much. We have things to look into, but we'll talk to Mustang and see if we can't figure something out. Just keep your head down for now."

Al finally piped up from the other side of the room. "Maybe we can tell him she's our cousin from uhm, maybe Creta? That is probably the easiest border to cross, and he already knows she isn't from Amestris."

Ed grinned at his brother. "That's a great idea for now! It would explain how she knew us too."

Anna stared at both boys with shock. "Why would you lie for me?"

Ed frowned back at her. "Human transmutation is taboo. Most people don't know that is what happened to us. If anyone found out, we would be in a lot of trouble. Even if you didn't know what you were doing, it would still cause problems. Until we figure this out, it would be best if we keep this between us."

Anna started to thank him but was interrupted by an involuntary yawn. She covered it quickly and shook her head. "Sorry, they gave me something for the pain. Anyway, thank you. I know this is weird. It's scary as hell for me, but I'm glad you're willing to listen, at least."

Ed scratched the back of his head at the look she was giving him and waved her thanks off. "Don't thank us until we get this straight. I'm still not thrilled to know you were so reckless, but you seem the type to at least learn from your mistakes. I have a feeling there is something bigger going on anyway. Rest for now, and we'll be back later." Anna could feel her brain turning to mush, but she managed a nod as the boys turned to leave. She barely managed to lay back down before she was out again.

It was dark when Anna next opened her eye. She yawned and stretched before she sat up and looked around. She felt much better than she had the first time she woke up, but that didn't keep her from jumping with a short scream when she saw a person sitting next to her bed in the dark. The man was sitting forward and looking at her intently. It took her a moment to realize it was the Colonel.

She put her hand over her heart as she shook her head. "Haven't you ever been told it's rude to sit in a girl's room after dark without permission?"

He sat back with a chuckle. "I apologize if I frightened you. I came to check and see how you were feeling. The nurses said you had been given something for the pain but that it should be wearing off soon. Don't worry, I haven't been here long."

Once her heart was beating normally again, Anna narrowed her eyes at the man. What wasn't he saying? "Pardon me if this sounds rude, but you are a Colonel. Surely checking on a witness would be better delegated to one of your subordinates. Especially since you had to wait. Wouldn't your time be better spent on other things?"

Mustang smirked at her, but she didn't miss the flash of something a little dangerous in his eyes. "You might be right, but I never miss the opportunity to talk to a pretty woman."

Anna almost rolled her eyes. Almost. The only thing that kept her from it was the knowledge that his words were flirting, but his eyes were not. She had plenty of experience with the former, but the latter was new. She held his gaze for several seconds before she spoke again. "Why are you really here, Colonel?"

His smirk widened, and he sat forward again. "The Elric brothers came to my office earlier. Can you imagine what they had to tell me?"

Anna sighed and shook her head. "I am sure they were just as shocked to see me as I was to see them. Our families were separated long ago. I barely recognized Ed from the pictures I had. Since they are inseparable, I assumed the other was Al."

Mustang's smirk dropped from his face immediately as he sat back. "So, you are cousins?"

She shrugged. "Distant cousins."

He sighed and frowned. "Does that mean you are also an alchemist? They said your family used to know the practice but weren't sure of your talent."

Anna felt her jaw clench. Those boys. They certainly knew how to twist the truth to fit the circumstances. Was that their solution to get the Colonel to keep her close? They were going to get her killed!

Her expression then turned to a grimace when she realized it wasn't any worse than what she was doing. Perhaps this could work in her favor. She finally nodded. "Yes. I am still new, so my talent is questionable, but I do know some alchemy."

Mustang frowned. "I know not all places are as accepting of alchemy as Amestris. Was that why you were attacked?"

Anna felt a prickle behind her eye. His reasoning was wrong, but his theory was still at least somewhat correct. That fact had her clenching her fists in her lap and staring down at them as she answered. "I cannot tell you who attacked me or why they dumped me in an alley in Amestris, but I do know that it had something to do with alchemy."

Mustang sighed as he sat back. "Well, for now, I can offer you protection while we investigate. You'll be here for a few more days anyway."

He then stood to leave but paused and gave her another of his charming smiles. "Perhaps once you feel up to it, you can even show me your skill level. If you are related to the Elrics, it has to be more than you claim. That kind of skill doesn't come along often."

Anna did roll her eyes at that point. "That level of skill takes years of practice and an extraordinary level of genius. I am an anthropologist first. I only started looking into alchemy because it became a passion of my mother's in the last few years of her life."

He froze next to the door and turned to her with examining eyes. "Your mother has passed away?"

Anna had to swallow once before she was able to speak. "Yes. Nine months ago. She was an acclaimed archeologist, but she got sick nearly four years ago. After that, we spent most of our free time looking into alchemy. I think it was just her way of sharing her last days with me. She told me before she left that she was glad we got to spend so much time together."

He was still giving her a look like he wasn't sure how to take what she was saying. "And your father?"

She frowned at him before she laughed under her breath and shrugged. "That would require me knowing who he was. If mom knew, she never told me."

He finally chuckled at that. He smirked at her. "She sounds like a strong woman."

Anna gave him a genuine smile. "Yes, she was."

His eyes widened slightly before he gave her a slight bow. "Well, I apologize for taking up so much of your time. I look forward to our next meeting."

Anna sighed when he walked out and leaned back. Things were moving too fast, and she still had no idea when she was or even which reality she was in. That one was giving her more of a headache than the rest. It wasn't that she didn't know the stories, but the fact that there was more than one was a killer. Which reality was really real? God, just thinking that sentence made her feel insane. She chuckled to herself and tried to think of how she would figure out her next steps.

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