The Fallout

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Ed glared back as the two soldiers walked off with a shouting Tucker between them. The boy stalked to his commanding officer and tried to get in his face. "What do you mean 'when we figure this out?' He confessed."

Roy pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. He then pinned the boy with a glare of his own. "How did you know? I was told your cousin showed up with visible worry, and then all of a sudden, you pushed her aside so you can get to Shou?"

His eyes had flicked over to where Anna was standing, and she felt the weight of his suspicion even at that distance. She wouldn't be surprised if he had already figured out she had something to do with it. Especially since she had practically thrown a fit to get to the boys when she found out they were working with Shou Tucker.

She wasn't given long to worry about it as Ed waved off the question with nonchalance. "Meh, she's heard stuff about what we're researching. When she found out we were with another alchemist, she freaked out. It was just something she said that made it click, and I had to confront the jackass."

Anna tried not to look too relieved that Ed was quick on his feet. Although, part of her wondered at how good a liar he was. It wasn't until her relief passed that she grasped the rest of what he said. By the time both males turned back to her, she was glaring at her 'cousin.'

"Well, I was only worried about your foul-mouthed ass. Forgive me for being concerned."

Ed gave her a wide-eyed look that was nearly matched by Roy's. Riza caught their attention when she tried to cover up a laugh with a cough. Anna turned to see the woman flash her a smile behind her hand before turning to the Colonel. "Sir, if I might?" When Roy nodded with a sigh, Riza continued. "With Shou being on house arrest and Al taking care of Nina, it might be best for both Ed and Anna to stay as well. I doubt Ed would want to go far without his brother, and Al might need help once the girl is calmer. I doubt he knows a lot about babysitting."

Roy nodded. "We'll have to figure out where to take her, but that won't be decided tonight." He then turned to the other two. "I'll send another guard for Tucker. Fullmetal, don't even think about trying to confront him. Let the system handle it."

Ed looked like he was about to argue, but Anna stepped in. "Nina is going to have a hard enough time as it is. The last thing we need is to freak her out more by letting her hear fighting again."

The boy seemed to deflate a little as he thought about Nina. Finally, he huffed and turned to the stairs. "I'm going to see if Al needs help."

Roy called out a last warning as the boy started up the steps. "Don't push it if she doesn't want to see you."

Ed's voice was fading as he called back over his shoulder. "Yeah, yeah."

Roy shook his head with a sigh as the boy disappeared. He then turned to Anna with a frown. "Miss Stephenson, I believe we might need to have a chat." He paused at that point and looked to Riza. "Lieutenant, would you please make arrangements to have Havoc sent here."

Riza saluted and walked out to follow orders. She only paused long enough to give him a look that Anna couldn't see. That didn't make her feel better when he turned back to her and gestured to one of the unoccupied seats. She took it with a little trepidation as he joined her.

He gave her a charming smile as he sat, which caused her to sit back stiffly. He raised a brow at the obvious action, but his voice didn't betray anything he was thinking. "Please relax. I am sure the last couple of days haven't been the best example of life in Amestris, but I assure you things aren't always this crazy."

Anna chuckled at his empty reassurances and tried not to roll her eyes. "Look, I am upset by what happened here, but not because I see it as representative actions of this country. Ed was involved. That is enough to know things aren't likely to go smoothly."

Roy had to take a moment to not laugh out loud. Their first meeting notwithstanding, the pretty Miss Stephenson was already proving to be just as bullheaded and outspoken as her cousin. Whether that was a good thing or not remained to be seen. He cleared his throat and tried to put on a slightly sterner look. "Speaking of Fullmetal, what exactly did you need to speak to him about that was so worrisome?"

Anna forced her breathing to stay calm as she tried to think about how to build on what Ed said and not give away too much. She gritted her teeth and tried not to sound as nervous as she felt. "I don't know any details, but I have been told they are researching something that could be potentially life-threatening and that it has something to do with alchemy. When I heard they were with another alchemist, I suppose I overreacted."

Roy narrowed his eyes slightly. "They are both talented alchemists in their own right. Edward is even a state alchemist. They can take care of themselves."

Anna narrowed her eyes at his assessment. "Yes, but they are still boys. Fourteen and fifteen years old. You can't tell me that doesn't at least cross your mind."

Roy held up one hand. "Please, I understand. We do keep an eye on them, as well. I suppose I should just be glad that they have family that cares, as well. That is one thing they lacked."

Anna shook her head and sighed before she gave him a wry smile. "They have the Rockbells. That family is closer to them than I am. I'm practically a stranger."

The Colonel looked as though he had something else to add but shook his head and changed the subject. "All that aside, you seem to be handling this well. I wasn't sure what to expect, but this can't be easy for you."

She knew it would probably seem strange to him, but she couldn't hold in a laugh. When he gave her a questioning look, she shook her head, and her smile turned a little sad. "That would be because of my mother. Or rather, how I was raised. Since she was a renowned archeologist, we didn't spend much time in the place that was supposed to be our home. We traveled all over, following whatever she wanted to research next. She took care of my schooling herself, but she also taught me how to handle unknown situations."

She paused as her memories tried to overwhelm her. She managed to push them back with a sigh. "Since it was just the two of us so often, I had to learn not to let my fear rule my mind. My mother had a saying she would use whenever I felt scared. It came from one of her favorite stories, but it worked."

Roy gave her a patronizing smile. "If you handle things this well, then I suppose it must have. Do you mind sharing?"

She wondered briefly what kind of saying he thought it was with the look he was giving her. Probably something juvenile. She was happy to disabuse him of the notion. Her grin widened slightly. "Sure. It was 'I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will let it pass over me and through me, and when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing. Only I will remain.'"

There was complete silence for several seconds before Roy finally blinked a couple of times and gave her a curious look. "And how old were you when she had you learn this?"

Anna chuckled slightly at the memories his question evoked before she raised a brow. "As soon as I was old enough to say all the words and understand them. So at about four or five."

His eyes widened slightly before he stood. He held out his hand for her to shake when she joined him. "Well, that is certainly a fascinating saying. I can see how that would help you cope. Perhaps sometime you can tell me more about it." He paused and looked out the doorway to see if Riza was back. When she was still not in sight, he turned around with a charming smile. "I suppose I will see you again tomorrow. Please feel free to let Havoc know if there is anything you need once he arrives."

Anna swallowed a sigh and shook his hand. "Will do. Thanks."

Despite her not letting her fear overtake her, the whole situation was nearly overwhelming. It was taking all she had to keep her head straight enough to think through things. It would have helped if they hadn't immediately gone to shit, but it wasn't like she ever had a say before.

She watched both Roy and Riza leave before she turned to head up the stairs as well. She figured it was a good sign that they hadn't heard any yelling yet. Maybe Nina was calmer, or at least Ed wasn't losing it. She only hoped that they figured out a way to make sure this outcome didn't end up worse than the possible one had been. At least Nina wasn't alone for now.

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