Movie Theatre Slushies

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ship; dnf (the bench trio tags along. they are not being shipped!)
warnings; fluff, a little kissing, sexual implications
sort of like a high school au (:
requested by; @Some_sort_of_child
basically, dream & george try going to a movie and the bench trio comes with
if you don't happen to know who the bench trio is—it's tommy, tubbo, and ranboo (:


"Do they seriously have to come with?" George whispers to Dream as he glances behind him, his eyes falling on the underclass men. His eyes fall forward once more before drifting to the blond beside him.

"I promised them they could come, I'm sorry. I didn't know they'd remember the promise! That was like, two weeks ago! And besides, it was a joke! At least I thought it was a joke." Dream mutters as he glances at the trio hot on their heels.

"I thought this was supposed to be a date!" George mutters as they approach the Movie Theater.

"It still can be! Maybe they'll sit far away from us—"

"So Dream, where are we sitting?" Tommy calls from behind them, his friends chuckling. "The front, the back—"

"We're sitting near the back," George motions between Dream and him. "I don't know where you three are sitting." George snaps as he pauses in his tracks, allowing Dream to open the Movie Theater door for their group.

"We'll sit with you guys." Tubbo offers as he nudges Tommy as they enter the building. "You wanna sit near the back, right Ranboo?" he asks in mock reassurance.

"Oh for sure I do." Ranboo says as they approach the counter.

George rolls his eyes as him and Dream lean against the counter.

"Two—five tickets for The Nun, please." Dream says as he glances over his shoulder, eyes landing on what George liked to call 'The Shitsters.'

"Wow, you nearly forgot about us!" Tubbo says playfully, placing a hand over his heart.

"I don't know how he could forget about you three." George says as he rolls his eyes.

Dream nudges George in the ribs as he hands him his ticket, before offering Tommy, Ranboo, and Tubbo their tickets as well. "Do you guys want any snacks? On me." Dream says as the approach the snack bar.

"Three large buckets of popcorn would be sufficient, right?" Ranboo asks as he shoves his hands into his pockets, rocking back and forth on his feet.

"Right. Very right." Tommy adds.

Dream sighs. "Right. You, George?" he asks.

"Can I have some Gummy Worms—oh, and a—" he pauses, eyes squinting. "Red Slushy?"

"Sure. Wanna' share the Worms?" Dream asks.

"Are you gonna' share them with us too?" Tubbo chirps as he emerges next to George.

"I think your large bucket of popcorn is enough for you." George says as he flashes a fake smile.

Dream sighs as an employee emerges from the back room. "Hey—can I get three large buckets of popcorn—" he glances over at Tubbo before glancing at Tommy and Ranboo. "a bag of Gummy Worms, and a Red and Blue Slushy?"

"Sure thing." the employee says as he begins scooping popcorn.

"You three can go find seats, I'll grab the snacks." he eyes the three Shitsters behind and beside him.

"Whatever you say, Dreamie Poo." Tommy says as he makes his way towards their designated theatre room, Ranboo and Tubbo following close behind.

George watches closely as they disappear down the hallway. "You owe me another date after this one." he says as he grabs Dream by a belt loop, pulling him closer.

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