God Given Gift

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ship; dnf
warnings; explicit descriptions of death, lots of smut, lots of angst, homophobia, blood
this one is long :)
25k words
*also—i know jack shit about what kings do so this is probably very wrong 😛🤝👍
important - PLEASE note of the first warning! this story takes place when the guillotine was still relevant—there will be descriptions of be-heading at the guillotine! there will be graphic mentions of blood! please be aware of those warnings!
ALSO—in no way shape or form do i support, or stand by what the bible says is sinful or wrong. i do NOT support what the bible says. what i am using in this short story is not what i personally believe. with that being said, enjoy.


In the four walls of the castle, covered in blood-red carpets and sacred stained-glass windows, there is Dream, the sinner, and Tyrant King George, the saint.


Royal blood; it trickled down from generation to generation, and it dated back to what seemed to be the beginning of time. Royal blood was a God-chosen gift. It was not luck that you were born into a royal family. It was not faith, it was a God-chosen gift. Royal blood; it came with privileges that commoners, the poor, and the greedy did not have.

Commoners, the poor, and the greedy, most definitely did not have the privilege of making it through the winter. Commoners, the poor, and the greedy most definitely did not have the privilege of knowing there will be food on the table and a precise time each and every night. Commoners, the poor, and the greedy most definitely did not have the privilege of being a God-chosen individual.

But the Royals, the Royals did.

And that meant, George, who was once Prince George, had been God-chosen to lead as King George.

Royal blood trickled down into his veins.

King George was a God-chosen man. To him, he was above everyone else. (Which he certainly was.) He was smarter (false)—He was more deserving (incredibly wrong)—He was by far, the most important man in the world (debatable)—And lastly, he was one step below from God himself.

King George was superior to the commoners, the poor, and the greedy in most ways, if not all. I mean, who else had sworn-in servants of God to protect him and his every move? Hell—King George practically couldn't be killed.

Did that make him a God?

If it didn't, he was one step below. He was nearly a God.

And, with his power as an individual that happened to be one step below God, came it's benefits.

The castle he called his homeif it had ever been a home, the sworn-in servants of God, the power to say "Off with their head!" to those who didn't respect the Monarchy, the money, the control, the power.

Being one step below God gave King George the power to do practically anything he pleased. He was a Royal. He was a King. He had Royal Blood. He was the son of a King. He was God-chosen to sit on the red velvet and gold throne.

He was ruthless. He was filthy. And while he was good at being God-chosen, he was terrible at being King.

I mean—King George couldn't be blamed—who could be an honorable king at such a young age? Who could run millions of people properly before he had even reached twenty-five? Who could rule millions of people when the only influence they had was from their father—the previous king? Who could rule millions of commoners, the poor, and the greedy after watching your own father be be-headed at the guillotine for acts of treason?

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