A Good Home

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Castiel was on his way home from work when he saw two boys sitting on the side of the street. He felt bad for them, but he walked by.

A few days later he was walking home with one of his brothers, Gabriel when he saw the boys again in the same spot.

"Do you have any money?" The shorter one asked, he had bright green eyes.

Castiel looked down at the boys and reached for his wallet, pulling out a wad of money.

"Do you have a place to stay?" Gabe asked.

Both boys shook their head.

"One second," Gabriel said as he and Cas stepped away for a moment.

"What?" Castiel asked.

"You should take them home with you. At least for a couple nights," Gabriel suggested.

"I dont know where they've been," Castiel said.

"Just give them a good home for a little while. Show them that there are still good people in the world," Gabriel said.

"Okay," Castiel nodded.

"Plus," Gabriel added, "They're kinda cute."

The angels, Castiel and Gabriel, walked back over to Sam and Dean.

"Would you like a place to stay?" Castiel asked.

"With you? No, it's- it's okay..." Sam answered.

"Actually, we'd be very greatful if you have the room," Dean said, he was trying to protect his little brother.

"Come with me then," Castiel ordered.

"Do you you guys want anything to eat?" Gabriel asked.

"I'd like some pie..." Dean said shyly, "If it isn't too much trouble..."

"Not at all," Gabe said, smiling.

"So, what are your names...?" Sam asked innocently.

"I'm Castiel and this is Gabriel. We're brothers," Castiel said.

"I'm Dean, and this is my little brother, Sam," Dean said.

"I think I'm going to go to bed," Dean saidd. "You too, Sammy. Come with me."

Sam nods, "Okay..."

"It's really cold in here, Dean," Sam whispered.

"It's better than outside," Dean replied.

"I'm sorry it's so cold in here," Gabriel said.

"No, it's not bad. Thank you," Dean smiled a little.

"Where'd you get that necklace?" Castiel asked Dean.

"Sam got it for me," He said.

"Are you cold?" Gabriel asked.

Sam nods, "A little..."

Gabriel looked at his brother and slowly spread his wings.

Dean grabbed his little brother and pushed him behind him.

"What the hell are you?!" Dean yelled.

"I'm an angel of the lord. We both are." Castiel flashed him a look but spread his wings.

"He's not lying," Castiel assured him.

"You're- You're some kind of monster!" Dean yelled.

"No. But our wings are pretty warm."

"You're just going ot trap us in there and- and kill us!" Dean yelled.

"What can we do to prove it?"

"Do you have anything iron?" Dean asked.

They nod and touch an iron knife to their shin. In the mean-time, Sam had gotten the holy water and sprayed The angels with it. They boys did every other test they knew, and came up with nothing.

"So... Angels?" Dean asked, walking towards the men with their widespread wings. "Can I- Touch them...?" Dean asks, reaching towards Castiel's wings.

Castiel nods and Dean pets them lightly.

"They're warm," Castiel tells Dean.

"Sam, you've gotta feel this..." Dean tells Sam. Sam walked over to Gabriel's wings and touched them lightly. Gabriel enclosed Sam in his wings tightly.

"Hah!" Gabriel yelld. Sam screamed. "I'm just joking, Sam. Calm down."

"Sorry," Sam said. I just overreacted."

"Was it warm?" Gabe asked.

"Yes... Could you do it again?" Sam asked.

Gabe nodded. "Anything for my little human."

Gabriel lied down and let Sam cuddle up to him, in his wings.

"Would you like to as well?" Castiel asked Dean.

Dean nods shyly, "Yes, thank you."

Castiel lied down, and had Dean lie with him the same way Sam and Gabriel did. Castiel kissed Dean's forehead and they both blushed immediately. "Sorry..." Castiel muttered.

"No... It- It's fine..." Dean said and leaned in to kiss Castiel on the lips. "It was nice," He whispered.

Sam kissed Gabriel on the cheek quickly. "Goodnight," He whispered.

"Angels don't sleep," He informed him. "So, goodnight to you."

"Night, Castiel. And thank you again."

Castiel smiled. He loved watching the little human sleep.

Soon enough, both Sam and Dean were asleep.

-The next morning-

Dean woke up shivering. "Castiel," He murmered. He rolled over, searching for Castiel's body.

"I'm right here," Castiel whispered, coming over to Dean's side.

"Sam?" Dean asked, abruptly sitting up. Dean looked around and saw Sam still curled up in Gabriel's wings. Dean let out a sigh of relief and lied back down.

"I'm sorry I don't have any blankets. Angels don't get cold." Castiel lied back down next to Dean and kissed his lips passionately. Dean smiled a little.

-A few weeks later-

"Castiel... I think I love you..." Dean said to Castiel.

"I've felt like that for a few weeks now..." Castiel whispered and smiled.

Sam and Gaberiel were in the next room kissing intensely. Sam pulled back. "I love you," He blurted.

Gabriel smiled a little. "I love you too, little human."

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