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        "A coffee and one slice of apple pie, please," You smile at the waitress and close the menu, handing it to her.

        "Coming right up," She smiles at you.

        You look around the diner, you were sitting at the counter, along with five other people.  A couple who seem to be swapping spit way too ofter for one morning, another man was sitting alone, reading the newspaper adn drinking coffee, he looked around 50 years old.  Two other men sat one chair down from you.  One of them was tall and hand long, brown hair.  The other had the most beautiful green eyes ever and short, dirty blond hair.  He was tall as well, but not as tall as the other man.  They were also looking at a newspaper.

        The waitress brings you your coffee and smiles, "The pie will be right out."

        You smile back at her, but you're very tired.  It was 5:30 in the morning, which wouldn't be too bad if you had gotten any sleep for the past three days.  You rub your eyes sleepily and take a sip of the black coffee.  You gag and remember you hate black coffee.  You add sugar too it and take another sip.  It tasted much better.

        You grab the newspaper and look for a new job.  Your jobs were very- interesting.  You looked for anything suspicious in the paper.  Weird murders or disappearences. 

        You look around again when the bell rang, telling everyone else someone walked in.  You catch the boys staring at you, but you take no mind to it; you probably look like crap.  You turn your head back to the paper and skim over a mysterious murder.

        You figure that'll do and you fold up the newspaper again.  You sit and wait patiently for your pie.  You loved pie; it was your favorite. 

        Finally, the pie came out.  You couldn't help but let out an excited squeel.   Yo kept it quiet, only the waitress, and the two men heard you. 

        "Thank you," You mutter as you begin to stuff the pie in your mouth.

        "No, Dean, just leave her alone," You heard the taller man say.

        You glance over at him and he smiles at you.  "Sorry," The one named Dean mutters.

        You swallow the pie and smile at him.  "It's fine," You say.

        "I just love meating fellow pie lovers," Dean giggles like a child.  "Dean, by the way." He gives you a cheesey smile.

        "I'm Sam," The taller man says and holds out his hand for you to shake. 

        You shake it gently and smile at him.  "I'm-" You were interuppted by a yawn. "Sorry, I'm Y/N," you tell them.

        "Low on sleep?" Sam laughs.

        You nod. 

        "Yeah, him too," Dean says.

        You go to your motel and see a '67 Chevy Impala in the parkinglot.  You saw the same one at the resturaunt earlier that morning.  You pull out the key and unlock the door to your room.  The walls are paper-thin and you can hear two male voices on the other side of the wall.  The voices were familiar.  You listen, and heard the two voices talking about demons and vampires and warewolves.

        "There are other hunters here?" You think to yourself excitedly.  "Well, that, or a couple of wackos."

        You decide to knock on their door.  When a man opens the door, you realize why the voices were familiar. It was Sam and Dean. 

        "Hey," Dean says; he was the one who answered the door.

        "Hi," You say embarassed.

        "Would you like to come in...?" He asks hesitantly. 

        You nod, "Love to."

        After you all got settled and make small talk, you decide to bring up why you're really here.

        "So... I heard you guys talking when i was in my room over there," You pointed.

        "Look, we can explain-" Sam started but you cut him off.

        "I am too," You say.

        "Really...? Prove it," Dean said.

        "The only way to kill a vampire is to cut off their head," You say.

        Dean and Sam exchange looks.

        "Well?" You say.        

        "Did you see that disappearance in the paper this morning?" Dean says.

        "Yeah, her heart was missing and it's in line with the lunar cycle.  I'm thinking warewolf," You answer.

        "Us too," Dean says.

        "Let's go find it and kill it," Sam says.

        "How about you hang back today, Sam.  You go thurt pretty badly on that last hunt."

        You take notice to his bandaged up forearm and hand.

        "'l be fine, Dean."

        "You can barey lift a bottle of beer, Sammy.  You're staying here."

        Sam sighs but doesn't argue. 

        You figure out that they're brothers by the way they argue, but still manage to care about eachother.

        "Let's go, Y/N," Dean says and grabbs the keys to his vehicle.  You notice that they're keys to a Chevy car. 

        "No way," You think to yourself.  "Best car ever..."

        "Nice car," You exclaim.

        "Thanks," Dean says proudly.

        You get in the passenger seat and Dean gets in the driver seat.  He turns the key and the engine roared to life.  You stare over at him and you can't help but notice how good lokking he is.

        You can't stand it.  You lean over and kiss his perfectly shaped lips.  You pull back almost immediately.  "I- I- I..." You stutter.

        He puts his hand on the back of your neck and pulls you in close for a long, proper kiss. "It's fine," He growls when you two are done. 

        He pulls out of hte parking lot and he sets his hand of your nner thigh.  You smile.

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