Two Men

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"Allison, do you mind scrubbing doewn these counters?" You ask.

"No, ma'am," she said and scurried over to the counter. 

You own a restaurant, one of a kind.  When your father passed away, the restaurant was passed down to you. 

Two men walk in wearing suits and ties.  One of them was tall with long, dark hair.  The other man standing next to him was also tall, but not as tall as the other man, the shorter one had green eyes. 

The men walk up to you and you smile. "Hello," you say, "how can I help you today?"

Both men reach into their inner coat pocket. And pull out an F.B.I. badge. 

The taller and told me that he was agent Smith and that the other man was agent Dailey.  They asked if I had a place to talk to them

You lead them to the office and shut the door after they walk in.

"Have a seat," you say and they sit down, smiling. 

"Thank you.  Now, it was your father that passed away a few days ago, right?" The taller man said.

You got quiet for a moment, "Yes, sir..."

"We're very sorry for your loss, ma'am, but do you remember anything strange before your father's accident?" The shorter man asked.

"No... The coriner said he died from a car accident.  Do you think someone killed him?" You ask, worried.

"No, ma'am, we just need to explore every possible option.  Did your father have any enemies?" The taller man asked.

"Yes," You think to yourself.

"No," You lie.

"Okay, thank you, ma'am, we'll call you if we need anything else," The shorter man said.

The taller man left, but before the other man had a chance to leave, you ask him if he wants to go out on a date.

"Sure," He smiles and writes down his phone number, and you call it, hearing his phone ring. 

"How does tonight at 7:00 sound?" You ask him.

"Great, I'll see you then."

You rush home to change out of your cwork clothes. 

You text the man. 

        You: What should I wear -Y/N

        Him: Something kinda fancy :)

        You: Ok! :)  I never asked, what's your first name?

        Him: Dean.

You smile and set your phone down.  You go through you closet and turn on the curling iron.  You pull out your favorite dress and your favorite shoes.  You go in the bathroom and put on makeup, then curl your hair.

-After the date-

"I had a great time, Dean," You say.  It was cold outside and you shiver.

"Me too," He smiles. "You cold?" He asks and shed one layer of many.  He lies the leather jacket over your shoulders and you pull it around your body.

"Much better," You smile.

He walks you over to the Impala and you get in.  He drives you to a place that was like a cliff.  The sun was just setting and you two sat on the hood of the Impala.  He leaned back then you set your head on his chest.  He started running his fingers through your hair.

"You look beautiful," He whispers.

You smile, "You look really good too, Dean."

Then he sits up and looks into your eyes.  He slowly kisses your cheek then puts his hand on your neck,  then he pulls you closer to him and whispers something unaudible against your lips.  He pushes his lips against yours and puts his hand on your waist.  You bring your hand up to his chest.  As you kiss, the sun sets behind you.

He gets a phone call and he pulls away.

"It's my brother, I've gotta take this," He says.

You nod, "That's fine."

"Yeah," He answers

You can hear his brother on the other line, "Dean, it's her, you've gotta get out of there."

He looks at you and your eyes flash black. 

"I do like you, though..." You whisper.

"How could I not notice..." Dean whispers and pulls out his knife.

"No..." You say.

You see tears forming in his eyes.  "I'm sorry," He says before plunging the knife into your chest and twisting it. 

"I loved you..." You hear him say right before you die.

A/N: I'm sorry I killed you ;-; BUT I HAD TO YOU WERE A DEMON ;-;!

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