Feels/Rants About Destiel

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Okay.  Hello.  I'm not okay.  And it's Destiel's fault.  WHY DO THEY HAVE TO BE SO DAMN CUTE.  Okay, I'm sorry, I'm going to try and stay calm about this.  So, today, I looked up Destiel feels on YouTube, big mistake, I do not recommend, and I watched this one video about it and I was litterally in a puddle of tears.  And the video I watched was something like Destiel Say Something so you can already tell it would be painful I don't know what demon possesed me and made me click on that video but I HATE YOU.  Okay, I'm fine, IT'S ALL GOOD. Now, I mentioned in my longer FanFiction, Remember, the way Castiel and Dean look at each other and I T ' S  S O T R U E. They look at each other with so much pain in their eyes that it makes me hurt.  They're sad because they feel like they can't be togetger.  And that make me sad and have really baD FEELS SO THANKS A LOT! THEY JUST NEED TO KISS ALREADY AND MAYBE DEAN **Spoiler in the next like few words** WON'T HAVE THE DAMN MARK OF CAIN.  NOW I KNOW THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS BUT JUST SHUT UP AND LET ME HAVE A MOMENT.   Okay, I'm done.  Thank you for your time.  It'll be back to normal writing from now on.

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