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A/N: This is my first Castiel x Reader so yeah it might suck.  Also, I used some stuff from Lazerus Rising (I don't know how to spell please no hurt) It's the first episode that Cas shows up (04.01).  So I just use some stuff that he says and yeah I don't own anything they say etc.

You were sitting up in your bed, reading and flipping a closed knife in your hand.  Suddenly, a loud, high-pitched ringing sound peirced your ears.  You covered your ears, collapsing on the floor; you started to scream, but it was muffled because you shoved your face into your knees.  Glass shattered and things fell over.  Suddenly, it stopped.  You didn't move from the position until your heard a fluttering sound.  You looked up and you saw a man towering over you. 

He had very dark hair, and bright blue eyes.  He was wearing a suit and a tan trench coat. 

"Y/N?" He asks.  His voice was deep and rough.

"Who- Wha- I- I..." You stutter.

"I'm Castiel.  An angel of the lord."

You back up when he says this.  "Angels aren't real..." You stutter.

Suddenly, your lights flickered and a shadow appeared behind him.

"Are those- wings?" You asked, suprised.  You start standing up.

"Yes, they are."

"But... Angels aren't real..."

"They are," He says and grabs your hands gently.

"Did you have anything to do with that sound in my ears?"

"Yes," He started, "Sometimes people are strong enough to hear my voice-" You cut him off.

"That was your voice?!" You say, practically shouting.

"Yes.  This is my vessel's voice."

"Your vessle? Like- How a demon posesses a human?"

"Sort of.  Angels have to have permission to enter a human.  His name is Jimmy Novak."

"I-I-I..." You stutter.

"Will you come with me now?" He asks.

"I- I don't know... I don't know who you are..."

"Y/N, please.  I've been listening to demons lately and they're looking for you.  You'll be safe with me," He holds out his hand to you.

"Where would you be taking me?"

"I don't have time for this," He says bluntly and presses two fingers to you forehead.

You wake up somewhere else.  Your eyes flutter open and you look around.  The room you were in was empty, but you heard voices a couple of rooms over. 

"She'll wake up soon, Dean," The voice from before- Jimmy- no, Castiel said. 

"Well, I'm going to go check on her," a man said.  He had a deep voice. 

After a cuple of seconds, you hear someone walking towards you, and reach for your knife out of habit.  It's not there. 

"Figures," You think to yourself.

You're too tired to move so you just lie there and hope for the best. 

A man opens the door.  "You awake?" He says. 

"Mhmm..." You mumble, "I'm up..."

"Good," He walks in and you open the door.  "How are you feeling?"

"Fine... Who are you?" You ask nervously.

"I'm Dean," The man said.  "And the man who got you- his name is Cas."

"I know."

"And I have a brother in the other room, he's really tall, his name is Sam.  Want something to eat?"

"Sure... What do you have?" You ask, starting to stand up.  You yawn and stretch out.


You start walking towards the door and you look at Dean.  He had bright green eyes and dirty-blond, short hair.  You walk out to the room where the men were talking.

"Sam?" You ask and turn to a man with long, dark brown hair and was really tall.  He nods and sticks his hand out for you to shake.  You shake it slightly and smile at him.

"Hello again," Castiel said to you. 

"Hi," You smile a little at him.  You see the way he's looking at you; almost like he's falling in love with you.  No, that's crazy; impossible. 

"Food," Dean tells you, signaling that your pie is ready.  You take it greatfully and it eat.

"So... Where am I?" You ask after a few moments of silence. 

"Ever heard of The Men of Letters?" Sam asks.

"I- I think I've heard of them before.  I remember my mother taling about them when I was younger."

"This is their place," Dean replies.

"Castiel, what did you do to me?" You ask.

He blushes a little, "I teleported you here.  I'm sorry, but I sensed demon's nearing."

"Oh..." You say.  "Can I go to bed?"

"Uhm... Sure," Dean says.

"I'll show you," Castiel said. 

When the two of you reach your bedroom, he starts to leave the room. 

"Wait- Cas..." You start and he turns around. 

"Yes, Y/N?"  He asks.

"Nothing... Bye..." You say hesitantly.

"Okay," He says.

He leaves and you start to cry quietly. 

"Why did he save me...?"

He walks back into the room without knocking.  "Sorry... I left this..." He says and grabs something off your table... "What's wrong...?" He asks.

"It's nothing..." You wipe your eyes. 

He stares into your wet eyes and tilts his head.  "You don't think I should've rescued you..."

You don't respond.  You cry harder and hug him.  He doesn't understand at first, but then learns that he should be hugging you back.  He tightly places his arms around his waist and rubs your back.

"Am I doing this correctly?" He asks.

You chuckle a little.  "Yes..." You pull away and lie down.  "Will you sleep with me...? Just tonight...?" You ask shyly.

He nods a little, "Angels don't sleep though..."

"Oh... That's okay," You say.

You move over in the bed and he lies with you, wrapping his arms arounf you.  You press your back against his front.  He lightly drapes his arm across your waist.  You hold his hand lightly.  He kisses your cheek lightly before you fall asleep.

"Goodnight, my beautiful human," He whispered.

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