April Fool's Day

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A/N: Okay this is going to be kinda short but whatever

        "Sam..." Dean says as he walks into the kitchen that the brothers share.

        "Hm?" Sam says, averting his attension to Dean.  "What's up?" He says.

        "I think I'm in love with this girl..." Dean says quietly.

        "Really?  Tell me about her," Sam orders.

        "Okay... Well, um..." Dean starts. "First of all, she's a little slow.  She gets confused easily, but she's as smart as a tack." He pauses to think.  "Sometimes, when she's confused, she'll tilt her head to the side.  She's beatiful... She has these amazing blue eyes and dark hair.  It's nearly black, but in some light it looks brown.  She's kind of pale, but she wears makeup to make her look tanner.  To be honest, I think he looks better without make up.  She usually dresses dark colors, but sometimes she'll dress up in bright clothes.  I want you to meet her..." Dean says. 

        "Okay..." Sam says. 

        Castiel turns the corner and walks into the kitchen.  He's wearing a spring dress with lost of bright colors.  He has his makeup done with beautiful colors. 

        "Dean," He wines.  "I still don't understand why I had to do this.

        It takes all Dean has to hold back his laughter.  Sam couldn't even manage that.  He collapsed into the chair laughing.

        A few minutes go by and everyone has calmed down. 

        "That was funny, Dean," Sam exclaims.

        "Yeah.  April Fool's!" Dean yells.  "I'm in love with Castiel, not a girl."

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