Okay? No, not okay. Not yet.

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A/N: This story does talk about suicide and stuff like that, so if you don't like that, or can't handle it, move along.  And stay strong.  suicide is never the answer.

        "Dean..." A whisper escaped your lips, "If there was ever a time for you to protect me, it's now." 

        A loud crash came from downstairs.  "Y/N!" You heard Dean yell.

        A sigh of relief escaped your lips.  "I'm here, Dean," You whispered.

        You hear him running up the stairs.  He saw you on your bed, tears streaming down your face.  "Dean..." You sigh.

        "Oh, thank god... You're alive," He smiles a little. 

        He runs over and hugs you, setting his gun down on the floor. 

        "Why am I still okay?" You whisper. 

        "Because... I love you... And you're going to be okay. Forever," He assured you.

        You nod a little. 

        "You're going to stay with me," he whispered.  "My brother and I will take care of you." 

        "Sam!" You hear him holler.  "She's fine!  She's in here!"

        Sam comes into the room.  "Y/N," he says breathlessly.  He walks over to you and hugs you lightly.  "Dean, can I talk to you?" Dean glances over at you.

        "Sure, Sammy," He says.  When they are out of the room, you see Dean staring at you. 

        You can hear some of what they're saying, but they don't know that. 

        "There are demons out th-" You hear Sam say.

        "How m-" Dean says.

        "Five?" Sam says.

        You can't hear the rest of their conversation. 

        You sit and wait for them to come back. 

        When they come back, Dean stares at you. 

        "Salt?" You ask in a shakey voice.

        "What?" Dean asks.

        "Do you need salt?  For the demons outside my house?"

        Sam nods a little.  "But how did you-"

        "You guys don't whisper very well."

        Sam and Dean laugh a little. 

        "I'll show you," You get up off of your bed.

        "You walk down the stairs with the brothers following you.  When you got to the kitchen, you pulled out a small box of salt. 

        Dean smiles proudly at you.

        "That's an awful lot of salt," Sam says.

        "I learned from the best," You giggle a little. 

        Dean rubs your back a little, "You okay?" he whispers in a deep voice. 

        You hesitate to think about it.  You're not, but you don't want the boys to worry.  "Yeah," You start, "I'm fine."

        Dean can tell you're lying.  "Good," He whispers.

        "I covered all the doorrs and windows with salt," Sam says.

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