Do you know what's the good news?

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"You told me I could have my family." Anjali turned to Aarav at this. He was clutching Kaku, and crying. "You told me I could have my Dad today." Here, he looked at Arnav.

Anjali moved to Aarav and hugged him. "Don't cry champ. Please don't." Anjali was crying too.

"Inspector!" Aman said, and everyone stilled. A male and two women police officers entered. Aman handed them a file he had. "Here's the proof."

The police dragged Sheetal and she shrieked. "How could you Arnav!"

"How could ? You threatened my family, my home, my wife, my sister??? And you ask me why I did a mere background check on you? Exhibit A of dumbness you are."

"All I wanted was you."

"No Miss Kapoor. If you did, you wouldn't be in police custody right now."

"Mr Roy!" Aman called and the younger people smiled.

Everyone who didn't know was confused as to why the family lawyer was here.

Anjali looked at Aarav. "Do you want to go to Ashram?"

He didn't say anything.

"Do you want to stay here?"

His eyes brightened, then stopped. "I can't. ASR is not my dad."

"You thought I was your bua?"

He nodded.

"But I want to be your mother."

His eyes were filled with hope again, understanding what she meant.

"Only if you want to be my son."

Aarav looked behind her.

Anjali turned to see everyone smiling.

"Aarav?" She asked.

"Yes", he whispered.

Anjali hugged him, relieved beyond belief. She had not imagined him saying no, but what if he had?

"Mr Roy", Aman said. "Please work with Mrs Jaiswal to get the adoption papers ready."

"Of course Aman. Do you have the temporary permission letter, Mrs Jaiswal?"

"Yes it's here. Aarav beta, you can stay here now. You don't have to come to Ashram."

Aarav lit up like it was Diwali, not Christmas.

The family dinner that night was full of joy, hope and a feeling of completeness.


Arnav called Aarav's school on Monday and informed them of the change of guardianship and address.

He also accompanied Anjali and Aarav to Sheetal's flat, which was now open thanks to the police warrant. They collected Aarav's things and documents and returned, glad to be rid of Sheetal once and for all.

That evening Arnav and Khushi sat together discussing about how to go about telling people something extremely important.

"I feel we can just tell them. And then keep answering the questions."

"Khushi, you don't know how they will react."

"Jijaji already knows. It's just everyone else might have all kinds of reactions. Let's get it done with at once."

"At midnight?"

"I was thinking breakfast."

"Okay. Now come, let's go prepare for the new year."

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