Chap:4: School

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I huffed and puffed as I raced through the fast closing gates, narrowly avoiding being made into a sandwich. The guards shook their heads in disapproval, one of them commented " its always this one."

Even though I knew I was late, I couldn't stop myself from wishing I wasn't very late, as I bounded up the stairs. Heaving,I fast-walked my way through the hall and to my class. By the time I had reached the door, English class was more than half way through. As usual everyone turned and stared. I looked at the clock over Mrs Stacey's head, ignoring her furious glare. Half past 9. Best late record yet.The one thing no one can surpass me at.

Staying with us, Mrs Stacey was learning sarcasm fast, "Glad you could finally join us Miss Ichihara."

But the only applause she received, was the ever faithful, loud ringing of the dismissal bell. She grimaced along with us as we waited for the damn thing to stop ringing. After it stopped, she started: " Detention on Monday Ichihara, and try not to be late for that as well!" she screeched.

As soon as she graced us by leaving, I rushed in. Found my sit, still huffing started fumbling in my pockets for my locker key. My friend Susan leaned over her chair and asked "What's wrong?"

If I had time I would have probably come up with a sarcastic remark, but as usual I didn't have time.

I was about to rush out the door again, but two hooligans were blocking it. I hated unnecessary body contact. One even had his foot stretched out, the nerve, acting like they own the place.

"Move it " I glared.

They moved away, hands up in the air, smirking.

I fought with the locker till it opened in surrender, quickly grabbing my stuff as I could feel my class teacher's eyes boring into my sides from the classroom next door .

I was about to rush in again till I realized the next subject teacher was already inside.

"hmm...uhhh...May I come in?" Permissions were not my thin, but why get myself into unnecessary trouble?


"ahh..May I come in?" I was standing there like a fool yet she continued to ignore me. What the hell ?

5 seconds later...still no response. My mind was saying, to forget permission and to just go in. My heart on the other hand was saying that it would be rude and let's see for a bit longer.

Half asleep people were now waking up. A shallow, sickly pale faced boy sitting on the front desk was snickering at my growing impatience. Another boy diagonally from him, looking bored said "just go in". So I went in and slammed the books on my desk and fumed in my seat. The teacher showed no sign of having noticed.

She continued her previous babbling, after the initial frustration wore off, I realized it was Biology, and before I could reflect on it, she made me stand and recite all I knew about carbohydrates.

I bit my lip, trying to remember. Mumbled a few words about sugars, glucose, simple and complex carbohydrates. I knew I was missing something but couldn't remember exactly what. So, acting like an idiot I repeated simple carbohydrates again and again till she tired of it and :

"These simple carbohydrates have a name" she prompted.

But I was clueless.

"They are called monosaccharides. Sit." she looked at me with "I knew you were that type of student" look.

I sat down mentally cursing myself for not remembering that. I often gloated to my friends that I was good at bio because it ran in my blood 'cause I came from a family of bio students a.k.a I was special. But what was happening?

Classes droned on and all I could think of was, what was for lunch. I had finally remembered to bring my money. Soon, it was time for break.

We shuffled out of our classroom quickly, with our class teacher barking threats from behind:

" Any unattended stationery will be stolen!"

I tried waiting for Susan but saw no sight of her and decided to go ahead. Standing there alone in a hallway while people in groups of twos and threes moved past you, was not pleasant, they always made you feel like some sort of a loser.

The stairs were jam-packed with people as usual. The pace was one step at a time, with barely enough space to stand in a narrow staircase, it was suffocating. The main reason for the blockade was the illicit couple one stair down acting out Romeo and Juliet in broad daylight not caring if by them standing there, it greatly inconvenienced others. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

My friends hollered from the stair above as I turned to look at them, I almost fell forwards as a guy shoved past everyone and using the railing slithered downstairs. How I wish I could have done that but I was stuck behind a line of old men and women.

I resisted the urge to shove the guy in front down and watch a domino effect.

As soon as I was free, I headed for the cafeteria. I went to have a look at the lunch, only to spin around and head for a table. Nothing good was ever on sale when I brought my money.

As soon as Susan sat down, she attacked the topic on the stairs, dissecting and analyzing. Afrida and Tamanna exchanged the latest gossip. Samantha and I exchanged our "we are so bored of this crap" look except I got caught. I had to say how much I totally agreed with them, what a total bitch Ashley was(not that I give a damn) but I had to pretend I was listening throughout the rest of the conversation and offered a comment here and there only because I was expected to.

We seriously needed something new in our lives. An everyday drama wasn't interesting, a teacher whose face you had to see every three days a week turned boring too after a while, no matter how sexy he might have been initially. Why should I care who went out with who? Or who publicly dumped who to get attention? It is always funny for a while when we all gang up on some wannabe, and stab her/him in the back, verbally speaking . That is until we all end up thinking I hope I'm not being talked like that when my back is turned. And soothe our guilt saying, it was just a joke, no big deal.

The conversation finally runs out of topics and moves onto tests, home works,marks and we all fish questions out of each other on what was to come in the upcoming tests. Allies are formed for group studies, plans laid out, but never followed upon as break ends and we whine ourselves upstairs. Loudly wishing the day to be just over.

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