Chap:5: School (part two)

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Next class was History.

The teacher blabbered on and on, you have to give some credit to her, she had the most amazingly soothing voice that could put anyone to sleep. I zoned out, when I zoned back in I found half the class was either sleeping or playing the "who could throw their stationery into the bin in the corner and score baskets game. " They have yet to invent a name for that.

My stomach started to hurt so I rose up to ask the teacher if I could go to the Doctor but suddenly, something out of nowhere hit me flat on the face.

Clutching my forehead, I looked down to see a deoderant can rolling at my feet.

The class had hushed up, one guy would have looked apologetic had he not been struggling to hide a smile.

" Are you okay ? " he asked.

No, I'm not you dimwit. I felt like hurling it back at him and asking the same. But I never got the chance. As the teacher chose to intervene at that precise moment and do her job. Damn woman. She sent me to the Doctor.

I went to the Doctor's office only to find she was ditching. I decided instead of going all the way down to look for her, its just better to go back up. As I was coming back up, I stumbled upon a guy from our batch, hankering after one of the cleaning ladies, asking for his pants. Surprising, I know.

He saw me standing there with my mouth hanging open, clicked his tongue and winked. My mouth closed and my eyes narrowed.

When I had reached my class, my classteacher stopped in mid-sentence.

"And where have you been? Care to explain?" she looked angry. Something must have happened again.

" Went to the Doctor" I answered unfazed.

She scrutinized me, up and down looking for an obvious indication of mine having been there but of course she found none.

"The doctor wasn't there" I answered the question in her eyes.

"You seem to have a habit of popping in and out of class and your disrespect for school rules is appalling. Go inside. Now. "

I headed for my seat.

"Not there, in line with the other rotten eggs. I am fed up with warnings. You people are going to stay back, wait for me and we will all go for a visit to the principal's office." she boomed.

I gritted my teeth as I went to stand in line. As I passed by them Susan and Samantha gave me pity looks. The usual crew was there. I wonder what stupid thing they did this time. They only got caught because they wanted to. A trip like this was nothing to them. It added to their popularity more. If they didn't end up at the Principal's office, how else would they earn their title as troublemakers?

To me, I think the real ones who were cool were the ones that got away with whatever they did, those who could ditch a class without getting caught and smooth talk their way out of trouble.

"Reyna finally decided to join the bad boys eh?"

haaa..I sighed. Here we go again.

"Shut up."

"oohh lala the girl's got an attitude!" they laughed.

"Hey, look. I'm sorry about hitting you earlier. Just wanted you to know, it was purely accidental." one of them answered...Shaun. Again that annoying smile of his was simpering.


His bud, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Dude, stop worrying. If it had really hurt, there should have been a dent here, see.." he tried to prove his point by poking my forehead.

I lifted my elbow to swat it away only to get ridiculed by the said shorty:

" Look who's showing off! What? Are you a ninja?" He mimicked some air slicing Karate moves to mock me. I could feel the anger rising, there was a roar in my ear. I was going to throw something but like always I never got the chance.

The bell rang, class emptied, teacher came and we went to the office.

Before we even had entered the Principal said. "Boys didn't I see all your faces just the other day? Can't even go a week without getting into trouble.Miss Ichihara! Never would have expected you!" she looked at me like I was the biggest failure ever. The boys snickered, what else is new ?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Except after all these years of working like a mule, being the quiet girl at the back of the class, who never did anything wrong, my pristine student file was going to have a smudge in it. I sulked.

The teacher explained my charges, minor compared to them who: bullied a junior; broke the nose of a classmate and cyber bullying even. They had  brought a camera to school strike number one, took pictures of classmates secretly strike two and posted them on facebook and on top of all that, wrote rude comments about them strike out. The teachers caught them somehow.

Anyway my telling of the truth caught on quick, as I was released faster than the others who lied their asses off. But of course no one bought their lies.

Out side the school was deserted, I sighed tiredly. Late in and late out. Since when did this become a routine? Lost in thought, I walked home. Halfway there I remembered there was no food in the house. Great. Pissed at myself, with my stomach growling I turned around and headed in the opposite direction for the Convenience store.

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