Chap:1:Busted in more ways than one

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Author's Note: The image on the right is of Javi

Miagi Satoshi did not know that he chose the worst time to go for a sneak out until he met the stangers in the alley.

It was a normal Sunday like any other , well that's what he thought as he accepted the seemingly harmless invitation to a drinking party with his friends. Problem was he had to sneak out right under his parent's nose by the stroke of midnight in order to attend it.

So, our cool boy climbed down the pole which extended to the street below , which was, conveniently next to his varanda. Little did he know that his paranoid mother had pasted a buzzer in the middle of the pole and there was no way to avoid it. So you can guess what happened next.

On hearing the buzzer go off, Miagi got frightened and ran off to an unprecedented side alley, where he wished he had never went. Upon hearing hushed voices he instinctively hid behind the closest thing he could find, behind the dumpsters.

A pair of feet could be seen backing up against the wall and two more walking towards it. Miagi could hear the unmistakable sound of someone whimpering. Probably the guy pushed against the wall he thought.

"Look, I'll give you my wallet alright ? and..and you can even have my watch it's a Rollex, you can get a lot for that, but you can't hurt me okay? Just let me walk away and you won't hear from me again. I swear I won't rat you out ! please..." he sounded pathetic and on the verge of tears. Miagi thought to himself " Shit ! What have I gotten myself into ? I need to get out of here before they notice me..and I don't even wanna know what happens after that. But how?"

He was jerked back to the present by the blood curdling laughter from one of the guys he could not see.

"Look at you squirm. Did you see that Sora ? The bastard thinks we are just routine thugs, the fool. And you know what they say about fools ? they don't live long. heh. so my job is to rough him up a bit before slitting his throat right ?" laughed one of them.

"just get on with it. We don't have all night." complained the guy Miagi presumed to be Sora.

"Yep ! you're right there, we have been on this job way too long for my liking. Now pretty boy back to you" rumbled the fisrt guy again.

Almost immediately, a punch hit the boy backed up against the wall. Followed by a kick to the stomach and more punches rained down until the guy named Sora intervened.

"Jave that's enough. Any more will make it harder to extract what we need..besides your way of executing jobs sickens me."Sora said angrily.

"okay okay. Next time you can pair up with a beuty and have a good time ...Hey, do you think the guy is dead? about time, go ahead Sora."Javi said.

Miagi was shivering with dread.The guy is dead , dead he couldn't believe the other two beat him to death. What kind of monsters are they ? Extract ? What are they gonna extract? Miagi's curiosity led him to peep from the side of the dumpster, just in time to see a brown-haired guy extend his hand to the corpse and take a glowing object straight out of the dead guy's throat area. The daunting fact was his hand seemed to go through and out like he was merely putting his hand into a bowl of water and taking it out. Who are they ? More importantly What is he ?Miagi could not suppress the involuntary yelp that got out. And that's what got him into trouble.

The two guys' heads snapped towards Miagi, and in a flash the guy named Javi grabbed him by the neck and pulled him out of hiding. He threw Miagi and he slammed against the wall and crumpled to the street below. The guy with the orb quikly hid it, and strolled over to get a better view of the snoop.

"Who the hell sent you ? Speak up you rat !" Javi kicked him on the chin.

"Speak up you bastard !" another kick to the stomach. Miagi's head was ready to explode. He could fell the pain searing from every corner of his body. He tried to speak but only blood gurgled from his mouth.He squinted his eyes shut, dreading the next hit. He flinched when ahe felt a finger touch inbetween his eyes, suddenly all his worst fears and nightmares from every stage of his life flashed before him like a film rolling and just as quickly as it started it stopped.He found himself standing in the midst of a very still pond with nothing but endless darkness surrounding him.before fully realising what was happening he felt himself sinking to the murky depths of the pond as if it was quicksand.

Struggling to breathe at first and then slowly giving up to the darkness . Javi watched with wonder as the boy's hands and legs first from thrashing about went to his neck arching as if struggling to get on top of something, and then everything came to a sudden halt as the boy"s eyes closed and his body went limp.

Sora also with closed eyes kneeling before the boy shuddered awake and panted as if lost for breath. When he had recovered enough although drenched in sweat and found his voice, he spoke:

"It"s alright he was a normal human just happend to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, but i still had to kill him, he heard a bit too much for his own good "before vomiting.

"You have a weak stomach.Even with all your strength and powers, you are still weak i'm telling you this as friend . You cannot survive with a weak stomach." Javi said.

"I know alright, but i can't help it, everything about this sickens me .Hell i sicken myself. But what can i do?Let's go , two in one night is a lot to deal with since one is bad enough." Sora dragged himself up.

"None of us had a choice Sora, none of us. Cursed from birth is what I call it." Javi laughed a humourless laugh.

Sora agreed but didn't feel like pointing out his views. So he decided to leave first and soon Javi followed suit. Leaving behind their latest two victims. The sky had darkened by then, and the downpour that came later was inevitable, the rain stirred up the smell of blood.

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