Part Four: I Get Arrested

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When i got arrested and brought downtown and sat in a holding cell for the first time one night at midnight i started to realise that i was going down the wrong road. but while i was sitting there in my pj's on a bench handcuffed i quickly discarded that idea and thought about how much my rep would go up and how my friends would think i was cool. well my mom got a call from the PD at about 1am after they finished processing me and doing all the paperwork, but she refused to come  and get me from the police station. so the police were forced to try to make a few late night calls and get me a bed for the night somewhere. i ended up staying at a homeless shelter at the age of fifteen and in the morning i was shipped out to a temporary foster home. i met the people and they seemed nice enough but they always seemed to think i was gonna run. they even went to the point of saying ''if you want to run away please dont pop out our window screen and escape just walk out the front door ok''? i found out that the next day was pretty warm and they had a inground pool so i asked if i could go swimming, they said ''sure i dont mind but try not to piss in the water please''. i thought to myself wow you guys are nice enough to let me come stay with you without any idea who i am and you think im gonna piss in ur pool? what kind of ungrateful dumbass would do that? i ended up going with my bio-dad for the rest of the weekend and he called my probation officer and asked where to drop me off at the end of the weekend. she said ''i think he can go back home with his mom he learned his lesson this time''. i was so excited to go home i was really missing my family or what was left of a ''family''. so i made it back home with my dad and he asked if i was gonna be ok from now on and i said ''yeah ill be fine dad thanks for getting me for the weekend''. he replied ''no problem i missed you i wish i could see you more often''. we said our goodbyes and he drove away. up to this point mom still hadnt come out of the house and i was getting a little worried and scared of what was waiting for me. i put o a brave face and decided to be the ''man of the house'' and walked right in like nothing was wrong. well when i closed the front door behind me she was there and she was pissed. 

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