:Chapter 14 - Idk what I'm doing to- This escalated quickly

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"So you're saying that no one in school remembers Aria and Marc?" After Val went back home (Y/n) woke up from her nap and Val immediately went to her in a panic state and told her everything that had happened to him at school and how no one remembered Aria.

"It's like Megory all over again.." Luckily, (Y/n) caught on to her slip up with the name and quickly corrected herself "I mean Gremory."

"Yes! It was so weird.. I even went to their house but Halphas told me to go home instead." Val continued, oblivious to her mistake of saying a name, and added on to his concern "I don't know what's going on. Are they alright?"

"How should I know? I was sleeping the whole day." (Y/n) sassed back, unbothered by the whole ordeal before adding back to his reply "Congrats on making it back without dying by the way."

"Ahh, right." Val ignored her last comment as he grew alarmed, worried as to what had happened to the white-haired witch and the hellhound for everyone to forget them. 

"I think you should get some rest, you're going crazy..." Said (Y/n) when noticing that the demon prince was starting to bite his nail out of habit when he's feeling nervous. (Don't ask her why she knows of his biting habit.)

The reaper got off the bed she was sitting on and started dusting off the sheets before walking out of the room. "Here, I finished using your bed so get some sleep."


"Aaaahh-! Sleep." She interrupted him before he could say her name. Making her way over the window before opening said window to make her escape.

"Where are you going?" Val asks, baffled when she started leaving through the window instead of the door like any normal person would do if you were not robbing a house.

"Sleep." Was what she simply respond.

"Hah-?! Didn't you already took a nap??" 

"I'm still tired and I'm too lazy to do anything as of right now." She gives her excuse, a bad defense to justify her sleeping habits, but at least she's honest (and shameless).

She climbed out of the window, not bothering to turn back to say "Now don't disturb me, you annoying child..." before she made it outside and saw the sun flaring from the sky that the monsters from underground couldn't help but wish they were her...

Just kidding, it was dark af.

Lifting herself off from the ground after having to crawl through the window like she's the girl from The Ring, but instead of going with her day like a boss, she was met with a mouth full of grass. And I'm not talking about the weed.

The reaper begins dusting herself and getting rid of the leaves that were sticking through her head. She teleported out of sight and into the roof of the church and just sat there, staring up above where she could see the stars twinkling up from the sky.

'Bet the others are having the time of their life while I just sit here and be a hobo living on someone's rooftop.' (Y/n) thought bitterly that the angels up above couldn't help but let out a sneeze.

"Someone talking about me?"

(I can't think of anything else. I'm literally having a dilemma coming up with all this crap out of my two last brain cells.)


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