:Chapter 8 - Let's kick balls, yah?

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"Marc?!" The person shouts in utter disbelief. Surprised when he took in the hellhound's familiar appearance and immediately dashes off to the other side where he had come from, causing Marc to run after him, calling out for him to wait up.

"Hey! Don't leave me behind!!" (Y/n) cried out to the hellhound who halted over to (Y/n)'s pleas which satisfied the reaper at his obedience. (I mean he's technically a dog so...) 

Before she was suddenly picked up and carried bridal style by Marc who then took off running to catch up to the other demon with great speed, causing dust of sand to fly off from his feet.

"THE HELL— Hey wait this is actually a good idea, I don't have to use my legs anymore." (Y/n) said who then made herself comfortable on Marc's arms, having her hands flop on both their chest with her head buried on his chest. She closes her eyes and dozes off to her dreamland in a matter of seconds.

Marc was blushing red the whole time and was wondering why he even thought of carrying her bridal style in the first place- 

But look at her sleeping figure! So peaceful instead of that never-ending cold glare she always wore on her face. Always looking like she's having a bad day, but in reality, she was just thinking of what food she's going to buy for dinner.

...Does she even eat? 

Anyways, as Caim was running his long legs to wherever he's going. Clearly, he doesn't skip leg day and so does Marc when he, later on, catches up to him with (Y/n) on his arms sleeping peacefully like she weighs a bag of feathers instead of dumbbells with all the food she just ate yesterday.

Again, does she even eat? The world will never know because their author is just too indecisive to decide on her own book.

"Hey, don't run away!" Marc told which caught Caim by surprise at his sudden arrival and how he's casually carrying the woman that he had bumped into his arms like both are newlywed couples or something.

"Where's your master?!" Marc shouted out the question to the purplenette male, snapping him out of his thoughts before telling him off "Stupid, you think I'll tell you where he is?!" 

The purple-haired demon leaped up to his feet when they came across a wall. Jumping over the barrier of Trump's walls and sliding down the ground with a soft thud when coming in contact with the grass floor.

Marc followed after, his arms holding the sleeping beauty tightly in his arms as he jumps up from his feet to go over to the other side of the barrier.

The purplenette male proceeds to climb a well with his feet sticking out to the ground before turning to face Marc one last time. "Bye loser!"

Marc had a look of confusion plastered on his face before he watches as Caim disappeared above the well in a matter of seconds,  surprising the hellhound at how the man vanishes in thin air. "What?! But that was a well!"

Marc decided to follow the male and so he carefully place (Y/n) down on the ground with her head on the wall which woke her up, but it doesn't matter as Marc proceeds to run after and jump into the well.

"What are you-" (Y/n)'s sound of voice soon came to a halt as she watches Marc diving into what looks to be a well, causing a loud splash to be heard when Marc's body came in contact with water instead that is flowing down the well and into the soil ground over at how big of a splash he just made.

"Are you retarded!?" (Y/n) yelled out an insult over at the hellhound who decided to be a cannonball and shoot himself in a well because that seems like a great idea. 

Marc soon emerges from deep within the waters and climbs his way out from the well. He stood up straight from the ground with a face that looks like he's done with life.

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