:Chapter 6 - May the stick inflict pain on others

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"A-Aria!" The white-haired female turns her head around when she heard her name being called by none other than Val who stood in front of her with a look of determination. "I've decided."

"I'll help you on your search!" He declared solemnly and his answer made Aria beam and said "Really? Okay. By the way, I'm going out tomorrow night to start the search."

"Eh? At night?" Val questioned the girl and she returned it with a soft smile, saying "I usually look for information at night. That's when demons are most active, after all."

"Demons?!" Val exclaimed in surprise as dread wash over his feature while Aria looks at him with a close-eye smile, not minding how she's literally trying to look for demons just so she could get some information, "Maybe they know something about the person I'm looking for."

"I'm coming along!! It's dangerous!" Val state in worry and Aria tilted her head to the side with her hands on her cheeks, asking "Are you sure?"

"Yeah!!" He confidently said back and that made Aria smile. "Aww, you're so kind, Val." 

Aria's eyes then drift away from the blond-haired boy as her attention was now over at his shoulder when she saw a familiar mop of (h/c) hair and pointed it out to Val "Oh? You also brought (Y/n) with you."

"Huh? Wait so you-"

"Ah, so you can see me... Well, it seems demons and witches aren't affected by my invisibility anymore. See Val, my testimony is correct indeed." Val was cut off by (Y/n) who casually made her way beside him in a calm manner.

"So I was correct. You're not really human, are you?" Aria states and (Y/n) hummed in confirmation, adding "No need to be cautious around me, I'm not doing anything dangerous."

"I know that. Because I had a feeling I could trust you." She replied back with a kind and trusting smile directed towards the (h/c) haired girl. (Y/n) look back at her with a poker face, mumbling "Really now? My mom doesn't seem to trust me even the slightest.. .. But she's also nonexistent."

Val heard what the girl said since he was right beside her, and turn his head in her direction with a 'wtf' kind of look when he does so while (Y/n) shrugged in return with a derp face.

"...So you could turn yourself invisible, huh? So that's the reason why I couldn't see you at that time. But how come we could see you now?" Aria asks, having been curious about the maiden in front of her when she mentions something about her invisibility not working anymore.

"Dunno. But I have a feeling it was the work of that mirror. That piece of shit probably got mad that I broke its face..." (Y/n) grumbled out loud for the two to hear as Val look shocked and disturbed when he heard her swore. 

This Christian demonic ass, I swear...

"Mmm... Well, that does sound reasonable. It is a magic mirror after all. Anything could happen once you combine your power to break the magic mirror once you're in the magic circle." Aria said back with her hand's place on her chin in a thinking gesture. 

Val had a look of remembrance as he then ask the white-haired witch about her house "Ah, that's right. Aria, is everything alright in your house?"

"Everything is well. I already fixed the house using my powers and I also fix the mirror, so everything's good." Aria beamed brightly with a flowery aura surrounding her before it disappeared when she turns around to face (Y/n) once more. "But besides that... (Y/n)."

"If this is about me apologizing for wrecking your house, then no." (Y/n) curtly respond in a cold tone before Aria could even finish her words, making the witch rose her brows at her quick accusation.

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