:Chapter 15 - You just mad cause you ain't a hoebag

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Hospitals, one of those buildings where death is always in the air. Human dying and grim reapers coming to reap their souls and spirits that still clings on to the living world.

Precisely, a place where (Y/n) doesn't want to be in. It has too many spirits wandering around and she might accidentally bump into another reaper which she tends to avoid where death is near so she doesn't have to meet one of her kind.

Although, if she's lucky enough they might ignore her since grim reapers tend to be more focused when it comes to working on their job. 

The opposite of her and you know it, she literally just failed to keep Val safe and she can already feel the disappointment radiating off her parent (aka Seraphim).

So she's waiting outside of the building for Val to wake up and walk out of the hospital and in the meantime, she'll just sit on top of the rooftop playing with her phone, that she remembered bringing with her.

She isn't too impatient for Val to leave nor worried when she watches the blond jumping off the building because when she came down to check on him she knew he was still alive and will not going anywhere. 

But she did feel like her heart had jumped out of her chest when the thought of Val succeeding and reaping his soul made her shiver in discomfort before she shook her head off at such unwanted thoughts.

'He'll be fine.' I reassured myself, watching the game over screen popping up on my phone before I restarted the game once more. 'There's only humans, spirits, and maybe grim reapers around so he should be fine...'

(̶P̶r̶e̶s̶s̶ ̶X̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶d̶o̶u̶b̶t̶)̶

(Y/n) laid unbothered at what's going on inside the building, playing on her phone to pass the time. She couldn't hear the noises surrounding her as she was blasted by music from her headphones from the game that she failed to notice the crickets growing still.

'Huh?' She froze as she notices the air growing cold, her fingers hovering over the phone which caused her a game over once again, but that wasn't her main concern when she felt another presence beside her, a familiar presence...

Her head whirls to look behind her back so fast that her neck would have snapped in half if possible and as she hastily ripped the headphones off her head, she looks up to be met with a smokey black-cloaked person looking down upon her as if looking at an ant.

The only visible feature that could be distinguished of this cloak person was the black piece of hair tucked messily inside its hood and the glowing yellow eyes.

(Y/n) may have looked indifferent aside from her widen eyes, but inside she was in a state of panic; wondering why the hell there's a grim reaper doing here and not doing its job.

The hooded reaper stayed in complete silence before it opened its mouth and what came out next made (Y/n) cringe at its raspy and hoarse voice- like my man, do you need some water?

"Here I thought you were doing something productive after you disappeared all of a sudden, but you were just lazing around while us reapers had to do your job....." The hood might have covered its entire face but (Y/n) could tell that the man or the attack helicopter is glaring at her through its shadow.

'Damn! Do all grim reapers sound like they're on the brink of dehydration or damn??!'

"Actually... I am assigned in a very important job by none other than Archangel Seraphim..." She said with each word filled with sarcasm.

"Well, you should drop it off and head back to heaven..."

"Excuse me?" (Y/n) couldn't believe her ears when she heard such ridiculous words coming out of the reaper's mouth and that made her mad. "And why would I do that?"

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