Escape from Camp Campbell

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Y/ns Clothes

Y/ns Clothes

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??? POV

???: "TYRONE!" Tyrone: "DAD HELP!" ???: "What did you do?" Tyrone: "I-" ???: *Tackles Tyrone* ???: "Y/n!" Y/n: "Sorry dad." ???: "Dipper. Let them fight it out." Dipper: "No Bill." Tyrone: "I'm sorry!" Y/n: "Forgiven." *Let's him go* Bill: "What was that about?" Y/n: "He added spices to my brownie batter." Tyrone: "Sorry." Bill: "So let me get this straight. YOU RUINED Y/N'S BROWNIES. WHICH I ATE ALL THE BATTER AFTER SHE LEFT IT ON THE COUNTER NEAR THE TRASH BIN!" Dipper: "There was a sticky note that labeled it trash!" Bill: "I thought she added too much sugar!" Y/n: "WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" Bill: "Your ears!" Y/n: "Thanks, Papa!" Tyrone: "Thanks, Father." The twins run through a portal.

~With Mabel and Pacifica~

Mabel's POV

Mabel: "Where are they?" Pacifica: "Don't worry they'll be here soon." Melody: "Mom? Where's Y/n and Tyrone?" y/n: "Behind you." *Through Portal* Bill: "TYRONE YOUR GROUNDED!" Dipper: "This is your fault. You didn't read the sticky note!" *Back with Y/n* Tyrone: *Closes the portal* Pacifica: "What was that about?" Y/n: "Tyrone added spices to my brownies, and papa ate the batter that was labeled as trash." Mabel: "Haha!" Y/n: "Hey Aunties." Tyrone: "Aunties..." Y/n: "Ready to go to, camp?" Pearl: "Yes!" Mabel: "Thanks for taking them with you to Camp Campbell." Y/n: "It's our pleasure!" Tyrone: "Let's go."


David: "Can you believe it, Max? We're getting not one, not three, but two new campers today!" Max: "Yup. It's really, truly horrifying." David: "Horrifying? What, are you afraid of making a few new friends?" Max: "I'm not here to make friends, David. I'm here because camp is where kids are sent when their parents don't want to deal with them." Max: "Why do you think we return the favor when they hit seventy?" David: "Hang on a sec, what are you even doing out here?" Max: "Well, it's definitely not because the bus only comes in from the city to drop off and pick up campers. And so far seems to be my only reasonable method of escaping this fucking nightmare of a camp. Definitely not that." David: "Heeeeyyyy... language." Max: "Suck a dick—" Y/n: "WOOP!" *Speeds into a parking spot* "Beat that Tyrone!" Tyrone: *Pulls into a parking spot, and helps the kids out* Pearl: "Lets' go." Melody: "Common!" Y/n: "Hi I'm Y/n." Tyrone: "And I'm her twin Tyrone. We're the new hires." Y/n: "Hey kid." Max: "Suck a dick." Y/n: "That's what my ex said when I broke up with him." Tyrone: "Dad killed him." Y/n: "No Papa didn't kill him Pyronica did." Max: "Umm..." Y/n: "Hey kid how do you like it here?" Max: "I don't." David: "All I want is for you kids to have as much fun as I did when I was a Campbell camper." David: "Is that really too much to ask?" Max: "I refuse to believe someone as happy as you can possibly exist." *bus honking* David: *gasp* "The bus is here!" David: "Hello, welcome to Camp--" *David screaming* Quartermaster: "Kids are here." Nikki: "Ha!" *heavily inhaling* "Oh yeah, smell that nature! Oh, that's the stuff." David: "Well hello there, little lady. You must be Nikki." David: "My name is David, your camp--" *David screaming in pain as Nikki bites him* Neil: "Um, excuse me?" Y/n: "You are excused." Neil: "Is this Science Camp?" Nikki: "No, silly! This is Adventure Camp. Ad-ven-ture! My mom said so! Unless she was lying. Again. Sorry about that hand by the way. Just exerting dominance, you know how it goes." David: "Uh, and you must be Neil, Melody, and Pearl." Y/n: "What camp are you here for?" Pearl: "Fashion!" Mabel: "Arts!" David: "Well, you two will be happy to know that Camp Campbell is both of th--" *David screaming* Max: "Stupid prepubescent legs!" Quartermaster: "Not today, child. Only one driving this bus is me." David: "Ugh. Thank you, Quartermaster." Quartermaster: "You're on your own, now." Y/n: "He's weird. I like him." Tyrone: "All of your friends are weird!" Y/n: "Half of your friends are my friends!" Quartermaster: "Going on break, be back for the bus at noon." David: "Max, you are not leaving my side for the rest of the day." Max: "We'll see about that, camp man." Neil: "So what's your deal?" Max: *sigh* "I'm just a kid trying to survive out here, Neil." Y/n: "Name." Max: "Max." David: "Now let's go check out the camp, kids!"

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