Spooky Island

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Y/n's Clothes:

Y/n's Clothes:

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*Insert spooky music here*  *wolf howling* David: "The thing drew closer, with its inhuman breathing, and claws clicking against the floor with each step

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*Insert spooky music here* *wolf howling* David: "The thing drew closer, with its inhuman breathing, and claws clicking against the floor with each step... Desperately, the young boy pulled the sheet off the creature to reveal... THE DOG THAT GOT TANGLED UP IN HIS LAUNDRY! Booooo! And THAT'S why you should always properly fold and put away your laundry. Well, uh, it was scary when it happened to me. I was VERY innocent and impressionable back then!" Gwen: "...So, last week?" Max: "What's scary is how much I want to kill myself right now." Y/n: "I've got this! *Tells The Russian Sleep Experiment* Max: "Eep." Gwen: "Okay, okay, my turn. So once, there was this girl, that no one really understood-" Max: "So help me if this involves vampire romance." Gwen: "I-it could've been werewolves. You dunno!" Max: "Here's a horror story, go look at the job market you're dealing with after this camp shuts down." Space Kid: "...So nothing scares you, Max?" *Nikki eating loudly* Space Kid: "Not even ghosts?" Max: "People in sheets got me concerned, but Nah, not even ghosts. Just not a screamer." Y/n: *Yawns* Space Kid: "What about space ghosts-eh... oh-that's strange. Uhh, mission control, I don't feel so good." *gurgling noises* [Squirrel-splosion] *Space Kid screams* Y/n: "Are you okay Squirrel?"*David, Nikki, & Neil scream* Revenge Squirrel: *growls and shakes its fist-like paw* David: "Wait a minute!" Y/n: "Hmm?" David: "How is it that you weren't even fazed by THAT?" Max: "Might've helped if I hadn't put it in his suit, to begin with." Y/n: "I read horror stories and watch horror movies before bed." David: "Alright, tough guy. So you think you're so–" *Moaning and wailing in the distance* David: "Tough? Wh-what do you think about that moaning and wailing?" Max: "Pssh, it's just teenagers from that church camp working on those repressions again." Y/n: "How do you know?" Max: "Not that I know anything about it, just being a kid and all." David: "AHHHH, what about that ghost ship?" *more moaning and wailing* *David, Nikki, & Neil scream* Y/n: "Pirate camp's practicing night sailing." Pirate kid: "Arrr... mateys!" *Scary rustling in the underbrush* Neil: "Uh, guuuuuuys?" Nikki: "GUYS!" David: "Please be a puppy. Please be a puppy. Please be a puppy. Please be a puppy." Quartermaster: "What the blue ball blazes is happenin' here?" *David, Nikki, & Neil scream*

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