Romeo and Juliet 2: Love Resurrected

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Y/n's Clothes:

Y/n's Clothes:

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*theme music* David: "Okay, campers

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*theme music* David: "Okay, campers. Quiet down, everyone, please." *ambient noise* David: "Please, the theater demands your utmost respect and-" Gwen: "SHUT YOUR YAPS, IT'S TIME FOR THE PLAY!" David: "Ahem, thank you, Gwen." Gwen: "DON'T MENTION IT!" David: "Tonight's presentation is brought to you by theater camp's very own: Preston Goodplay!" *unexcited clapping* Preston: "Thank you, thank you. It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to tonight's production. Written and directed, of course, by me. It is a classic tale of forbidden love, betrayal, and friendship. So without further ado, I present to you: Romeo and Juliet II: Love Resurrected." *weak applause* *coughing*

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