Parents Day

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David: "Can you believe it, kids? Today is the day!" Nikki: "Christmaaaaaaas?!" David: "What? No- Nikki

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David: "Can you believe it, kids? Today is the day!" Nikki: "Christmaaaaaaas?!" David: "What? No- Nikki. It's Parent's day." Gwen: "We put up fliers this time and everything." Neil: "Have Y/n or Tyrone tell us." Max: "We're more likely to listen." Tyrone & Y/n: "Why weren't we informed?" The scene shows fliers quite literally everywhere on the Mess Hall. Nikki: "Oh. Why did I think it was Christmas?" Neil: "So, wait our parents are showing up here? Today?!" David: "You betcha! We gwt to show off everything you've learned so far this summer and even take part in dome fun activities together as a family. How fun is that?" Neil: "It is extremely dependent on which one of my parents shows up." Max: "Well, you losers enjoy your family bonding, because there's no way my folks are coming. Guess I get to kick back and relax. Maybe I'll just order a pizza..." Max is holding David's phone. Cameron Campbell appears taking off his hat. Campbell: "Did someone say Christmas?" Space Kid: "Santa!" Tyrone & Y/n: "Satan!" David: "Mr. Campbell, you're back!" Campbell: "Back?! Well, I've been here the whole time, Davey." Gwen: "But you went to Russia-" Campbell: "The whole. Time." David: "Well, that's perfect! Because you're just in time for Parent's Day!" Campbell: "In time for what now?" David: "Parent's day! We get to show off everything you-" David is cut off by Campbell Mandhandling him. Campbell: "There can't be a Parent's day. Because if there's a Parents' Day then all the parents will find out that they didn't send their kid to whatever stupid camp they sent their kid to!" Campbell is shaking David. David: "Oh." Campbell: "Davey, for the sake of Camp have got to cancel Parents' Day...This. Instant!" Honking sound. Quartermaster: "Parents are here." Campbell: "Fuck."

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