~Part 3~

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Lyla helps you up out of bed. She is already dressed.

Lyla: I'll leave you to get dressed!

She closes the door to the room

You put on: 

Lyla: (through closed door): are you done yet?

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Lyla: (through closed door): are you done yet?

She pounds on your door as you put on some light makeup.

Y/n: I'm coming I'm coming sorry!

You rush to the door of your room and open it.

Lyla: omg gorgeous!

Y/n: noooo I am so ugly like my soccer thighs make the pants so tight I can't breathe

Lyla: at least you have a nice butt...

you both start laughing hilariously.

Y/n: what's with all the rush this morning though?

Lyla: well since it's the day of the concert I thought we should go get some donuts for breakfast!!!

Y/n: no way Lyla omg you're too nice

Lyla: nah, come on let's go to my car

Y/n: we better be going to Dunkin

Lyla: dang it you spoiled my plans

Y/n: yayyy Lyla tysm!

At Dunkin, you order a Charli and an average glazed donut. Lyla also gets a Charli, but she gets a chocolate iced donut with sprinkles. She's always a crazy spunky girl who loves going out of the box. After you two leave, you hop in the car and drive back to your dorm.


Fast forward to driving to the concert


Lyla: Oh my goodness I'm so excited!

Y/n: So am I!

Lyla: "I know you are but what am I"

Y/n: hahah I love the reference

Lyla: just thought of it when you said it

The two of you pull up to the parking lot.

Y/n: ooh get that spot Lyla it's super close to the door! I'm surprised it hasn't been claimed yet.

Lyla: um, y/n, that's a handicap spot.

Y/n: haha *blushes* sorry I guess that's why nobody took it yet.

The two of you find a parking spot and walk over to the door. There is a line snaking around almost half of the gigantic arena to get in. There is 2 hours until the concert begins, and the doors are just opening. You can't see the front of the line, but you have time.

Lyla: I'm gonna step out of line for a second to grab some candy so we can sneak in snacks!

She winks at you

Y/n: okay I'll save your place don't worry!

A few minutes later, she comes back with a plastic bag halfway filled with candy like Twix, Kit Kat's, M&M's, and skittles.

Y/n: how are we going to get though security with this candy

Lyla: you have a good point.

You both agree on eating the candy, and share all of it until it is all eaten. You are both holding your stomachs, feeling nauseous and laughing from the sugar.

Love At First Sight: A Zach Herron ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now