Lipstick | Victoria de Angelis

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Although Vic liked doing her own makeup, having a makeup artist on board to help who was experienced really sped things up when touring and doing so many interviews.

Especially after Eurovision, the band was so busy that every little thing that could be taken off their hands and save time was welcome.

Which is where you entered her life.

At first it she was a little wary of you. Many people wanted to take advantage of the band. Successful at a young age means making mistakes and trusting the wrong people. Vic knew this. She might not be the oldest, but she often felt like an older sister to the other members. She wanted to protect them.

Doing their makeup several times a week, you quickly became accustomed to the members and their antics. They all warmed up to you seemingly instantly when they recognised you had no ill intentions. But Vic... Vic was a special case.

She was used to doing the boys' makeup before gigs, so she helped you out whenever she could. You'd set up a sort of routine, where you'd do her makeup first, and she'd do one of the boys while you did the other two. It saved time, and she loved working with you.

But that first part. Just the two of you. That was special. The boys would usually be around somewhere, but there were also many times where it was just you and her. Close, face to face.

You had every dimple, every curve, every spot of her face burned into your brain. Sure, the same was true for the other members, but you didn't pay as much attention to their features as you did hers.

You'd fallen for her. Hard.

Once you realized your studying of Vic's face had been anything but just out of friendship, you were mortified. Is this why you took longer and longer to do her makeup? Picked more difficult looks? Did you subconsciously just want to look at her longer and spend more time with her?

You thought you were able to keep your little crush under wraps quite well, but no less was true. This became obvious when Thomas would wiggle his eyebrows at you anytime you had to do Vic's makeup, or when you were alone with her in general.

Usually you'd just slap his shoulder before picking up your makeup bag, but this time Vic caught your wrist before you could. "Why is it you're always punching my band? I need his arms functioning to play, thank you very much" Vic laughed as she put a hand on your waist to guide you to the mirrors.

If you weren't red before, you sure were now. Vic's hand on your waist was gentle, but leading. Like her personality. One thing about her you admired to no end was her confidence and her ability to make her personality shine through in every action. You aspired to be like her, but also to be with her.

Thomas got up from the couch in the dressing room and grabbed his things. "I'm going out for a smoke. Yell if you need anything. Or don't." The statement was ended with a quick wink and grin to you before he closed the door behind him.

Usually, you and Vic would talk through the look a bit before starting. So that's exactly what you did.

"As usual, I'll do a smoky eye. Since you're wearing red tonight I think it'll be great to add a red shadow and liner to it, and maybe some red lipstick, but that's up to you." You didn't dare look at her as you prepared your things.

"Actually, I like the colour you're wearing. It matches my blouse perfectly. Do you have it with you?" Vic looked up at you as she sat down in the makeup chair.

You shook your head. The colour you were currently sporting on your lips was a personal favourite from your own collection. "No, sadly. I didn't think to bring it with me. Sorry."

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