Best Supporting Actress | Victoria de Angelis

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Your hands were sweaty as you checked your hair in the mirror. You'd been to award shows so often you'd think they wouldn't freak you out as much as they did by now.

Behind the camera or on stage, everything was in your control. You might not be the director, but you decide what the public sees at all times. Award shows were different. So much happened during award shows you had zero control over.

Vic reassured you everything would be fine, but she hadn't been in the international eye for as long as you had. She might have her own insecurities, but to the world, she seemed bold and fearless. Quite the opposite of yourself, you thought.

It was almost comical, you and Vic. You'd met last year at an award show after-party, of all places. She'd performed, and you didn't know how to handle yourself around her after watching her stomp around that stage.

Said after-party had you downing more alcohol than you usually would, trying to get rid of nervous jitters. Victoria was everything you wished to be. You weren't sure whether you wanted to be her or be with her.

You'd probably sent her one look too many. Before you knew it, she was whispering sweet nothings in your ear. That was that, and you hadn't looked back since.

You mindlessly got into the back of a car, your manager beside you. She was rambling about the events of the evening, but it was all background noise to your never-ending thoughts.

You were nominated for Best Supporting Role in your most recent movie, which was quite a success. Måneskin had also received a nomination for the Best Soundtrack category.

The movie stirred up an old debate about your sexuality. It was an LGBTQI+ coming of age story in which you played the love interest to the female lead. The debate had died down over the years even when you hadn't spoken on the subject.

It had come to light recently that interviewers were prohibited to ask you about it during interviews, which caused a divide in your fandom. Some thought it was none of their business what your sexuality was, you clearly being uncomfortable being asked about it. Others felt avoiding the subject meant you didn't support the community, which was far from true.

Whatever their thoughts on you avoiding the subject were, one thing was unanimous. They were all pretty sure you liked women. Which, to be fair, you do.

The chatter from your manager had died down, indicating your arrival. You could feel your heartbeat in your throat as the car door was opened for you, flashes blinding your vision. You felt a rush of confidence wash over you as you walked to the photo area. Your name was being hollered at you from all angles, photographers hoping to get a good shot.

Your eyes met a familiar set of blue ones at the entrance of the venue. You said your goodbyes to the photographers and quickly made your way over.

Vic smiled at you as she reached out for a hug. You gladly accepted it, also quickly hugging Thomas before heading inside. You could see your manager trying to get your attention in your peripheral vision but decided now was not the time for business.

You waved at the band before finding your seat near the front. Murmurs spread through the audience as usual. While you liked award shows, it was usually not the actual award show part you enjoyed. It was incredibly tedious to just sit and wait around. Boring. The after-parties, those were nice.

You thought you heard your name a couple of times amongst the chatter but thought nothing of it. It was the first time you were nominated for one of these awards, so you were bound to be the topic of a few discussions.

The show started, and the crowd got quiet as the host spoke. You clapped when you needed to clap and smiled when the camera was pointed in your general direction. But something was off.

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