Oxygen | Damiano David

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Your friendship with Vic was a unique one. You'd met when you were on vacation with your family in Rome and instantly hit it off. That must've been at least 10 years ago now. You'd had the time of your life with her, running off to hidden places you never would've found as a mere tourist.

You'd made a promise to stay in touch, and had visited each other in the other's country a couple times. If all in life failed, you'd at least still have Vic. You visited Italy on at least a yearly basis, preferably a couple of times a year.

You and Vic got along great, and after some time Thomas had come into the picture and you'd clicked with him as well. All had been good. At least, until Damiano became a prominent figure in Vic's life.

You loved Vic, you really did, but holy fuck did the guy get under your skin. First of all, his ego was so big you were sure they'd be able to pick it up on satellites in outer space, blocking the sight of the entirety of Italy.

Then there was the fact he was somehow always right. The universe just seemed to love this man, even though you were convinced he'd been a demon in a past life. Whenever you got into an argument with him, he always won. Always. There was almost no use in arguing with him, because he'd find a way to win it.

Ah yes, the arguments. Thirdly, there was the fact he always wanted to rile you up. He was constantly messing with you. You weren't an impatient person if you could say so yourself. Sure, you had your moments, but usually you'd be able to keep your cool. Something about Damiano boiled your blood like it was an egg on a hot Australian asphalt road.

And last, but definitely not least, came the worst fact. He was ridiculously gorgeous and your body and brain had decided he was the perfect specimen to form the most frustrating crush on. You hated his guts, but in a way that made you want to punch him so hard he'd end up in your bed and never leave.

Could you spend even 5 minutes with the guy without your temper overtaking you? No. But did you somehow want to spend your life with him? God, yes.

Vic, Thomas, and Ethan after they'd created the band, they'd all tried to convince you that if you just got to know him, he'd be way different. That you'd just gotten off on the wrong foot.

Two years ago, Vic had had an epiphany. She'd realized you and Damiano were two sides of the same coin. You clashed, because neither of you could face the reality someone so much like yourself existed. Self-hatred, insecurity, all those things reflected into your relationship with Damiano.

Vic would never let you forget this fact. Once she'd realized, she was convinced you were made for each other. It was annoying, really, because she made some great points and it was no good for your crush on the dickhead whatsoever. She was too smart for her own good and you loved her for it.

Which is why you were bickering with her about Damiano first thing when arriving in Italy.

"I just don't understand how you don't get along. You get along with Thomas and Ethan just fine, and they get along with you and they get along with Damiano and I get along with them and I get along with you and I get along with Damiano it just makes no sense how you and Damiano don't get along" Vic rattled as she was making coffee.

"You know what doesn't make sense? You. How much coffee have you had today? I didn't understand a word you just said" you laughed as you folded a pair of jeans and put them in the dresser.

"A couple of cups. But to be fair I had to wake up at shit o'clock to pick up your ass from the airport so really this is your fault." She handed you a cup of coffee.

Last year Vic and the band started renting a big house to stay at while recording their songs, and just to hang out at. It was where they spent most of their time. You were grateful that whenever you were over, Vic resorted to staying at her own flat for some time. You knew she was doing it for your sake, and you hated that she had to accommodate for you, but you appreciated not having to spend more time than necessary with Damiano.

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