Addicted | Ethan Torchio

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The sun and moon, one lifting up the other and making it shine brighter than it ever could on it's own. That's the only dynamic that came even close to describing your friendship with Ethan. You were his moon, and he was your sun.

People often mistook you as a couple, which you could understand with how close you were usually. You rotated around each other perfectly, like you were planets in your own little solar system.

After the years passed, you found yourself no longer caring how people perceived Ethan and you. As long as they understood that where he went, you went.

He'd had quite a few flings in his time. Though he had a mysterious aura, and people often saw him as shy and awkward, Ethan was a man of the people. Something about him lured people in. You were no exception.

He was an enthralling being. Currently, he was practising on his electronic drum kit at his parents' house with you in the kitchen, fixing you two some drinks. The View From The Afternoon by Arctic Monkeys, you were pretty sure that was what he was drumming by the rhythm alone.

You couldn't help but watch. Just like you couldn't help but form a small crush on him. It was teeny tiny, you'd told yourself. Almost non-existent. A mere admiration of his beauty.

You watched the muscles in his arms flex as he drummed, lips tight with focus. You set his drink down as you took a sip from your own, sitting down across from the drum set.

Ethan's eyes flickered to you with a lightning speed, acknowledging you without breaking his focus. His hands moved faster than yours ever could.

Your drink was bitter. Too much alcohol. You weren't one to drink much, but you weren't worried about you inhibitions around your best friend.

A loud snap ricocheted from the walls, followed by a curse from Ethan. He threw his drumsticks, one of which now in half, on the floor before standing up from his stool and turning to you. "I'll have that drink now."

You laughed before handing him his glass. "I was sad I made it too strong, but looks like you need it." You got up from your chair, knowing he was going to want to smoke to blow off some steam.

He slid the door open to the balcony, leaving room for you to pass before closing it again. The night view of Rome from his parents' house was incredible. They left often for trips, like now, leaving the place for just Ethan and you.

Without turning around, you handed Ethan a lighter. He always seemed to forget his. "What would I do without you, Y/N?" he usually joked.

Tonight, he was silent.

"What's on your mind, Torchio? You're quiet. More than usual, I mean." You took another sip of your drink. You felt the buzz of alcohol in your system. Probably a sign this should be your last.

"I missed you. When we were in Rotterdam. I wasn't alone, but I was lonely, you get me? I love the band, but it's not the same." He took a drag as he turned away. Although he was in touch with his emotions, he didn't like to be vulnerable, even in front of you.

"I get it, E. We're together so much when you're in Rome I think I might need to go to rehab every time you leave."

"Are you saying you're addicted to me?" Ethan teased.

You laughed as you shoved him. "Careful with your words there, Mr 'I'm lonely without you'" The laugh wasn't filled with joy as laughs are supposed to be. Maybe you were addicted.

"I'm just stating the obvious. But I've done some thinking. Maybe we need to, I don't know how to put this. Maybe we need to have a talk about, you know, us? I don't know how to explain but it can't be healthy how dependent we are on each other."

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