We're Okay | Thomas Raggi

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You loved Thomas, truly. Enough that it could hurt at times. As he opened up to the world, gaining more and more exposure, he closed himself off to you.

It stung.

You were so happy for him and the rest of the band when they won San Remo and cried happy tears when they crushed Eurovision. Now the tears only tasted salty and bitter.

You felt selfish for feeling this way. He deserved all the attention in the world.

You loved to see his talents appreciated. He deserved to be loved. But so did you.

When it had gotten bad enough that you had to call Vic to be able to talk to him, you snapped. You felt like you were on autopilot as you stepped into the studio. How you even got there in one piece, you had no clue.

The sight before your eyes had you seething. Thomas was on his phone, smoking a cigarette, not even doing anything. You wished you knew how long you stood there before he noticed you.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" He got up slowly, locked his phone and put out his cig. Not even a hello. Not even a hug.

Just a "What are you doing here?"

You were never the jealous type. Thomas hung out with prettier people all the time. He was surrounded by people more famous and more attractive 24/7. But in a moment of doubt, you felt your confidence in the relationship and yourself crumble.

"You ignored my calls, and I haven't talked to you in days. I was worried."

It was not the whole truth, but he accepted the answer. "You could just have texted." He avoided your gaze.

His words put you even more on edge. His nonchalance only added to your irritation.

You had known Thomas for a long time and knew him inside out. You knew how he thought, how he worked. Something was wrong. He was closing himself off.

Usually, you had all the answers when it came to Thomas. But all you could wonder now was why?

Ethan, the only other person in the studio, probably noticed the tension and left.

"What the hell is going on, Thomas? I feel like I never see you anymore."

The sound-proofing of the studio left an eerie quiet behind. A quiet you wished to be filled, yet an answer never came.

"Talk to me, Thomas! We discussed this. You need to fucking communicate!" The anger got the best of you.

You loved Thomas, truly. But whenever things got tough, he shut down and stop talking.

You had hoped with the recent development in his career and love from new fans, he'd at least learn that his voice was there. The opposite seemed to be the case.

Communication was never the most effective part of your relationship. You had no problem talking about your interests, and Thomas could talk and talk and talk about music and his other interests. When the subject changed to his emotions, it was like he was an entirely different person.

He didn't look at you. You wanted to scream at him to talk to you, but you knew it wouldn't get you anywhere. Your eyes stung as they filled with tears.

"I don't think I can keep doing this if you won't talk whenever something is wrong. I want to help you Thomas, and I want to be there for you, but I can't do that if you keep it to yourself."

This was the first time he turned to face you. Eyes full of tears, mirroring your own.

"Please don't leave me"

It was a whisper at best. You couldn't hold your tears anymore at the words.

"I won't. I never will. I promise."

The moment was anything but pretty and romantic. Your face was covered in salty tears and grime. Thomas was shaking and not better off than you.

The smell of his cologne, sweat and laundry detergent filled your senses as he engulfed you with his arms.

"It's just too much. I love music and I love the band and I love you but it's just so much so fast." He finally spoke.

"That's okay. It's normal. You guys blew up seemingly overnight, that's not something anybody can take lightly, Tommy."

A sob broke out as he crashed his head onto your shoulder. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I know we haven't talked in forever and I do miss you so much but... I don't know, sometimes all I want is to be alone. I feel like everything I do or say is being talked about and criticized."

You felt for him. He was a sensitive person, closed off. To feel like the whole world was watching your every move... It must have been immensely overwhelming.

"We're okay, right?"

"Yeah, Thomas, we're okay."

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