Love Story Tre & Cheryl (Trezza)

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Chapter One,

It was the beginning on Cheryl's ' A Million Lights Tour' rehearsals when all of a sudden the door bashed open with a beam of light shining and on the other side, Cheryl didn't know it but it would be the love of her life. Cheryl looked in amazement as this hot American guy name Tre Holloway walked up towards her, "Hey I'm Tre you must be the beautiful Cheryl?" Cheryl just stood still with her brown glittering eyes and reply "Yeah nice to meet you." They began rehearsing then half way through 'Call My Name' Tre stood on Cheryl's foot! " Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't mean to" Cheryl knew from then onwards that their was something special about him " Its okay don't worry about it happens all the time, this is why we rehears." Feeling embarrassed Tre walked over to Cheryl during tea break and sat down next to her in the most awkward way! after a few second she turned and giggled " What the hell was that?" Tre turned his head and thought to himself oh god she hates me "What did I do?" Cheryl shook her head "The way you sat down, you don't have to act weird around me just 'cause you stood on my foot" Tre gasped with relief and stood up to whispered "Thank god" he just slid away while Cheryl was laughing her head off. Back to rehearsing Tre and the rest of the team were showing Cheryl what they had learned, Cheryl's PA Lily England snuck up to her and took a seat " Who's that guy you were talking to Chezza?" Cheryl slowly turned her face towards Lily and gave her the pat on the nose "Let me just say this he's so sweet" Lily looked at Tre and raised her eyebrows. It was day 2 of 'A Million Lights Tour' rehearsals and everyone was straight into work, but Lily took Tre's armed and pulled him away! "Do you like Cheryl?" Tre looked confused for a second and mumbled "Yeah who wouldn't she's gorgeous, why?" Lily opened her eye's wide at him " Can't you see she fancies you?" Cheryl interrupted by shouting Tre back over " What did Lily want you for?"  Tre looked over at Lily "Oh nothing" he ran into the dances and left Cheryl hanging in suspense. At the end of that tiring day Tre ran over to Cheryl and asked her out for dinner, " Yes I would love to." He grabbed her hand as he turned his face to Lily and gave her his biggest smile yet; they skipped to the taxi surprisingly their were no paparazzi to be seen," Where we going then?" She gave him a little wink "Ah that's for me to know and for you to find out!" he replied. When they arrived outside the restaurant it was a different story, "Oh god they found us" Cheryl gasped, Tre didn't care he took her hand then helped her out the car "Come on, we'll get through I'll protected you." He pushed everyone away "PLEASE MOVE CHERYL COLE COMING THROUGH" Cheryl kept her head down until they got inside; "I don't know about a dancer you should be a body guard!" Tre laughed "I'll only be one for you Ms Cole." He walked up to the desk as Cheryl was still standing there doing her little happy dance, "Table for Holloway" Cheryl was gobsmacked when she found out she was on a table under the name of Holloway; "They walked through the dining room doors as Cheryl quoted "WOWZA this is amazing." After an hour of dining time Tre reached in to kiss Cheryl, she looked so happy he did it.

Chapter 2 COMING SOON..........  

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