Helping Hand

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Chapter 5,

In just 2 hours Tre and Cheryl would be boarding a plane to Ireland for her opening night in Belfast. "Come on Chez the taxi's here, we gotta go now!" Tre chucked all the suitcases in the boot and got in the taxi; "I'm here don't worry, lets go on tour" Cheryl jumped in the back of the car with Tre. They were meeting everyone at the airport so Cheryl text Lily saying 'On our way shouldn't be long, is everyone else there?' " Right thats, that sorted" anyway they were on root to the airport.

Lily was so reliefed to have heard from Cheryl as she hadn't been in touch for a while "Right everyone onto the plane Cheryl and Tre will be here soon I'm just going to meet them outside so they don't get seen together" Lily walked to the back enterance where they were both being dropped off and Lily saw what seemed like a million paps so she shouted "HAHA! You do know she's already boared the plane and she's in here" so one of the paps replied "Well how come you haven't boared the plane yet?" Lily just laughed while she thought of another point "Because I'm PA/manager so I'm on head check duty and I'm just checking to see if any of them are out here" So now the paps think they've missed Cheryl they turned around and went to pick on some other celebrity. The taxi pulled up Lily shouted "Cheryl hurry before the paps come back i sent them away thinking you were already inside" Tre got out the car and said "Really Lily you one hell of a legend" Cheryl ran inside while screaming "Thanks Lils, we've got a plane to catch"

Everyone was on the plane and already for take off, "Its going to take 1 hour or just over to get there" Garry told Cheryl. Once they arrived they all walked off as normal including Tre but Lily knew that there would be paps outside waiting for her so she asked for help from the the guards to get Cheryl through the airport without getting spotted "She could always take the stairs that lead out into the yard onto the main street" Cheryl raised her eyebrows with shock that he hid the secret root away from most celebrity for all this time " have you never done this with any other celebrities?" Lily asked the guard replied "No, not that i know were not suppose to" the girls and the guard who by the way was called Steve walked to the door that said 'Staff Only KEEP SHUT!' he opened the door with he key as fast as he could before anyone noticed "quick i in there follow the stairs down through the double doors down the path and open the gate; Oh by the way can you please shut everything behind you?" Lily's eyes opened wide as there was alot to take in just to get away from the paps "Lily hang on i need to text the others so they know where to find us otherwise we won't have a clue where we're going" so the girls stood there for about 5 minutes whilst texing both Tre and Garry. Lily was getting worried that someone was going to walk out through the door "Cheryl have you nearly done it's just i have a feeling someone might walk through that door any second?" Cheryl just giggled with a smile "calm down Lils yes I've nearly done we can start walking i can do 2 things at once you know" as the got down one set of stairs they heard a door slam "Oh shit who's that someone's behind we've got to get a move on Cheryl" so Cheryl put her phone in her pocket without sending any of her messages "can you run down steps Chez?" Cheryl looked at Lily and gasped "in 6inch heels probably not, I'll have to take them off" the girls didn't have time to stop for Cheryl as the member of staff was right behind them "haven't got time for that Cheryl!" they were both near the exit door "thank God for that" Cheryl said with a gasp of relief. Together they ran down the path by now they lost the guard so there was no rush anymore, "Lily i need to send the message" Lily stopped running while Cheryl sent the message to find Tre and the rest of the crew were already at the arena "Lily you do know that the guys are already there and we are stranded 'cause we don't know where we are" Cheryl stayed behind the gate while Lily tried to get a drivers attention "STOP STOP.... Do you know where Odyssey arena is?" the driver look confussed for a second "Oh yeah darling i do it's just down there" but down there wasn't all that staight forward they were in the middle of what was like a motorway "do you mind taking me and my friend Cheryl?" Lily put on her best pout and puppy eyes to make him say yes. "Okay then where is your friend?" Lily looked to her left "see i justneed to go get herbe 1 second" the man didn't get on of it and didn't know what him was about to see; Cheryl jumped in the car "Thanks for this mate" the man turned around starstruck by what he could see "your...Your Cheryl Cole" they both looked at each and Lily said "Yes that's Cheryl Cole and I'm Lily now Cheryl has a concert to get to and she has to run through it, get ready, sound check all in less than 2 and a half hours so please sir can you just drive we'll pay you" Cheryl looked at Lily in shock "LILY... Didn't know you had it in you" the driver pulled up to the side this as far as a can get you the stage door is just there "thank you for this" Cheryl said with a smile and handed him a £20 note... then just slammed the door. Cheryl and Lily were just in time for the run through!


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