You Have No Idea!

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Chapter 4,

It was the first morning back from LA as Cheryl turned over to her side to find that Tre was laying there staring at her, "Good morning" Tre smiled. Cheryl smiled back then sat up "what do you want for breakfast?" Tre look through her eyes and raise his eyebrows, Cheryl opened her mouth wide and laughed her head off "No seriously now I would love bacon and sausage cob with a bit of you on the side!" As she got out of bed Tre received a text from.... Cheryl it was sent at 09:27am it said ' It will all be ready for you! ;)' she had no idea he was reading it but just carried on getting changed. Cheryl walked out her bedroom door when Tre shouted "I'll be down soon." He jumped out of bed and shoved his legs in his jeans and walked downstairs.

"MMM that smells nice!" Tre skipped past her and squeezed her hips, she jumped and squealed "TRE! Don’t do that to me!" she winked at him afterwards "Do you want this bacon cob?" she told him Tre look straight at her and replied "Well… I am hungry babe" he turned his face and started to laugh, Cheryl placed her and Tre’s cobs on the table to ask "Why you so cocky towards me?" she laughed, he was eating when he choked on his cob while saying "Me?... Me? Why I’m I cocky what did I do?" Cheryl look awkward and stood up to put her plate in the sink, " Right i'm going to get dressed, you should do the same!" Once Cheryl had walked away Tre wiped a massive smile onto his face and said o himself "She's so dope"

Tre and Cheryl were both dress and by this time it was 10:15am. "Okay what you want to do today?" asked Cheryl "Anything you like babe" replied Tre it was the last day before Cheryl officially started her UK arena tour 'A Million Lights' in Belfast which meant that i a few hours they had to be boarding a plane. "I've got a lot to do we could always go and pack!" Cheryl didn't actually mean it but Tre turned around and said " Yeah sounds fun, i need to put some of my things in the wash and then i should be ready" Cheryl was gobsmacked when he actually went along with it " Really you want to spend your packing with me?" Tre looked her for 5 seconds in silence and out of the blue "Yeah it gotta be fun packing with Cheryl Cole!" Cheryl put on her best pout then screw it up to make her look even cute then started shaking her head and walked side by side with Tre.


Love Story Tre & Cheryl (Trezza)Where stories live. Discover now