Showtime Belfast

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After the run through which thankfully Cheryl made it to, it was time to head into hair and make up so Cheryl could get ready for possibly the biggest night of her life! The opening night to her first ever solo arena tour. Looking at her watch "How long to go?" Tre pulled a face and shrugged "20 minutes" Lily shouted Cheryl gasped as she looked a little worried "Where has today gone please someone tell me!" Her hair and make up artist giggled "Well you did spend most of the day trying to get here didn't you?... But that doesn't matter now, your here that's all that matter you've got thousands of fans out their waiting to see this amazing show you've all put together and no matter what happens weather you slip, fall, forget lyrics, forget anything or even have a epic wardrobe crises they'll will all be there supporting you." Cheryl suddenly had the sparkle back in her "WOW that was some epic speech you just gave me and my fans are more than fans as you said there here supporting me so that's why I call them my little Soldiers."

Walking to stage. All dances backing singers crew members were already there hyping themselves up to go while Cheryl was in her own little zone on her way to the stage, hair done, microphone strapped in place  and costume on Cheryl was ready to rock the house down! "IT'S SHOWTIME BELFAST!" 1 hour and half later there was a roar in the audience Cheryl had finished her first show in Belfast on her 'A Million Lights' arena tour 2012 nothing went wrong other than her slitting her trousers during 'Screw You' but I don't even think Cheryl or anyone for that matter cared. "FIRST NIGHT DONEEEEE WHOOP" Shouted one of the dancers, they were just all so happy it was over and now knew what to expect throughout the whole tour 'Amazement' Tre joined Cheryl in her dressing room upstairs "You were amazing" Cheryl turn from the window " Aw thanks, do you think they'll all go home and play the album?" Tre put his arm around he neck "Maybe babe I don't know you might have tired them out! By the way did you know you split your trousers in Screw You?" Cheryl suddenly turned around with her eye opened wide "NOOOO I didn't did I? why didn't you tell me, I bet they think I'm a complete clown know it'll be all over twitter so people can torment me on other shows.... God no!"

Back on the tour bus everyone was celebrating by having a few drinks "Show 1 done and dusted" said Garry "Off to Dublin we go woooo" Cheryl couldn't help but laugh at her tipsy brother "Bring it on!"


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2013 ⏰

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