Welcome to Britain

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Chapter Three,

After a 9 hour flight from LA a sleepy Cheryl wakes up to the most chaos she's ever come across! Yet she didn't know it until PA/best friend Lily looked out the plane window into the airport, knowing it was her job to get Cheryl through there as fast as possible. "Why you pulling that face Lily?" a concerned Cheryl asked, "Oh Cheryl the paps are there!" Lily looked puzzled, she didn't have a clue as their has never been so many paparazzi's there in Cheryl life of flying. As Cheryl was walking down the plane she said to Lily "I don't understand why theirs so many of them, what's gone off while I've been away?" Lily picked her phone out her pocket and turned it on. She then found out she had 30 miss calls and 12 messages from Cheryl's management team in the Uk, As she opened it she was holding her breath 'Cheryl's seeing HOT! American Guy!' "OMG! how'd they find out?" Cheryl was scared sh*t "Tre can't walk through with us, in fact none of them can!" Lily was trying to figure away out of this, meanwhile they were about to approach the airport when Garry had a brain wave "If Cheryl goes now and they all leave it 15 minute and exit the plane with everybody else they will never know and they can meet us round the back." Cheryl was so proud of her younger brother for coming up with that cunning plan, Cheryl afterwards said "We don't tell them anything we keep it a secret for as long as possible" Tre kissed his new girlfriend goodbye and let her off through the doors "See you on the other side" mumbled Tre she just laughed. So Cheryl, Lily and Garry set off into the airport dodging themselves through the paps; "CHERYL CHERYL WHO IS THIS BOYFRIEND?" Like always Cheryl kept her head down, it took longer than normal to get through but that's because they've never had such 'good' news on Cheryl, it's was always about Ashley. After all that hassle everyone reunited safely to the bus that would take them to their hotels or in Cheryl, Garry, Lily and well Tre case, they would be taken home. "Do you always get that much hassle?" puzzled Tre as he sat back and took a tic tak from the tin "Yeah but not like that, it's probably 'cause they don't get that much 'good' news on me apparently!" As it would come, it wasn't a surprise that Tre was stopping with Cheryl at her house in London. it was 22:30 and both Cheryl and Tre were shattered, "Is this your home?" said a blown away Tre " Yep you like?" Cheryl said getting her things from the back seat; as they stepped inside Cheryl yawned we'll sort cases out tomorrow let just go to bed, before heading upstairs Tre had to ask "Is it always like this in the Uk?" She turned around quickly "Yep, welcome to Britain!"

Chapter 4....  COMING SOON!!  

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