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🌷 Brittany 🌷

" Yes! Yes! Go deeper! "

I yelled in pleasure as he ride on me speedily.

" Faster " I moaned in pleasure .  My body was on fire, it's not enough for me!

I am not satisfied! I want more!
How can a guy like him lack how to make s*x pleasurable for a woman?

" Get out " I snapped!

" Ma'am?" He called staring at me with a confused look.

I angrily pushed him off me and he landed on the floor.
Not that I care anyways!

" Your work is done, take the money and get out of my office " 

He hastily nodded and dashed out! Fool!

I need someone who can do this well, untill then , I won't feel any better.

I need someone to rock his d*ck on my p**sy.

My body became sweaty! The feeling hasn't gone!

I pulled out my telephone and dialed just any number my hand pressed. Thankfully , someone picked up.

📞 Hello ma'am .

Goodness! A male !

📞 To my office immediately, in two minutes else you are fired .

I said and hung up clasping my hands together.

While checking down my self still naked on the bed inside.

Yeah! There's a special bed in my office and the purpose is known to me alone.

All I want now is a man! I don't care if I am at work or not.

It's my freaking company and I have every right to do anything I wish.

I am the law maker , it's not bad if I break it. The people under me will still concur to it.

" I am here ma'am "
I heard a hoarse voice and my head snapped to the door .

" Come here and give me the pleasure I want " I signaled with my hand calling him to the bed.

He dare not hesitate! 
Without further talks or questions, he crawled into bed with me.

Of course all my male workers knows this! It's nothing new.

They give me the hot s*x I need and get paid , as simple as that.

I sharply help him in pulling his dress half way! 

And wow! His d*ck is huge! Just great!

I slapped his cheek as he k*ssed me on my lip!

" Are you nut?"

" I..I am sorry ma'am, I forgot the rules " he pleased while I glared at him.

I might want them but there's no kissing and smooching .

" Go down to business idiot " I flared.

He put his d**k in my entrance before slowly penetrating!

" Oh yeah" I mo*ned 

" Freaking faster"

He slowly grabbed my b*tts squeezing them in his hands.

He needs to be slapped again!

Well, sorry I haven't introduced myself!

I am Brittany Martinez! Founder of my company B and M.

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