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💐 Laura 💐

" Lau... Laura please " her voice came up again!
I am becoming so frustrated! I can't just have s*x with her.
Not this way and she's my boss!

What do I do?
I cracked my brains for some ideas but non came.

" La.. Laura, my body is on fire, I am pained " she whispered faintly

It hurts me to see her this way but.....

Carl! Yes! They must be something that can be done aside having to f*"k her.

You are wondering why I don't seem moved by the temptation?

Of course, I am controlling myself too. My c*"k is bulging out of my shorts but I can't still have her.

I just can't!

" Wait up okay! I will find a solution please" I said to her as I went aside to dial Carl's number.

I hope that bighead picks up!
It began ringing but he didn't pick till.it was almost ending.
Thank goodness!

📞 did you know what the time says? 📞

He yelled sleepily ! I know, I just can't do that to her. I aren't that heartless!

If she's in her normal self, she wouldn't let me do that. Not for anything in the entire world.

📞 I am sorry dude, it's urgent I had to call 📞

📞 What's the problem?

📞 My boss!

📞 What about her? Is she okay?

📞 Her drugs got finished and the addiction came, is there no way out except having to sleep with her? 📞

I said and he chuckled! Is this guy okay? I am serious here and he's there chuckling.
Brittany is going through a lot of pain and she might pass out any time soon.

📞 Can't you just do it? I know how much you love.....

📞 Shut up Carl, tell me what else to do please. She's going through a lot of pain.

📞 Don't tell me you are falling for he.....

📞 Carl!

📞 Okay! Okay! Calm down ! You will have to bleep her .

Huh? Bleep? I can't please!

📞 Another way Carl, it shouldn't be about s*x cause I can't .

📞 Let her take as many chocolates as she can with water. It will help!......


📞 Oh.. okay! Thank you Carl! You are life saver!

I said and quickly hung up running to the kitchen!
Let it just work please!........





🌺 Hilda 🌺

" Get out of my office Ms Hilda, you have done enough mess" my boss yelled and I left immediatetly without saying a word!

Phew.. that was an escape. My a** could have been fired just now.

Well! I was thinking of how to get to punish Brittany today !
Force her to club again or make her drunk in her house then call my boys to do the usual!

You know what I mean! F*"k the hell out of her! No it's rape!

I don't care if she contacts any disease or not!

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