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🌹 Brittany 🌹

Huh? Which son?

" Son? Which son mum?" I asked clearly confused.
I thought she gave birth to me and me alone?

She smiled at me feebly .

" Laura of course, who else" she said smiling widely.

Seriously? When has Laura become her son ? My face flushed a little hearing just her name! And "son"? She's a lady or am I missing something?

What is she turning me into? I think I need to see my therapist before this gets out of hand!

" Really? Well, she's fine though " I shrugged.
The smile on her face was priceless! Hmm! They just met once right?

What's up with her?

" Mum? "

" I so much love that girl Britt! She's so calm,beautiful and respectful "

Yeah I know she is. With everything she's done for me for the past three weeks proved it all. But Mum?

This is amazing! Why all the praising?
I narrowed my eyes at her trying to read through her but I couldn't.

Something's up with her!

" Britt she's a good definition of every lady's Mr perfect! " she said and I scoffed and she continued
"I wouldn't mind you two together 👭 but the problem is gonna be children, I still don't mind you two adopting" she ended and I was shocked

Did my mum just suggest me being gay for Laura? I mean I am secretly gay for her but this coming from her?

Seriously? Did Mum have interest in her or what?
I don't know where this is actually heading to.

" Really Mum? She's like a Son to you " I replied protectively.

I don't like it when someone admires what's mine!

Wait! Mine? I must be kidding myself!

" That I know Britt, do you like her? Don't lie I see the way you look at her"

Huh? I choked on my spit nervously. I wasn't expecting that!

Why will she ask such a question? My cheeks turned red from embarrassment!

" Mum!" I called and she chuckled!

This past few weeks are the best part of my life! Laura gave me a better life!

She's truly every lady's dream partner! Very loyal and I am sure she wouldn't cheat!

Her boy/girlfriend must be so lucky!
I envy her! A lot!



💐 Laura 💐

I stared irritatingly at the way she was flirting openly with me! Gosh! This type of ladies still exist?

First! I don't like ladies like her. Secondly, the aura around her isn't welcoming!

" Hottie!" She called seductively as she purposely pushed herself towards me!
What the hell? Is she a slut? Well! I think she is!

" Can you please stop this nonsense? Brittany isn't around, maybe you should put a call across to her or I will tell her you came when she comes back " I replied .

She didn't seem to hear what I said, her attention was somewhere else!

Well! I think I am done here!.
Why the hell will Brittany have such a person as a friend?

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