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💐 Laura 💐

Gosh! I pray this works for her as it is now. She needs medical attention!

I rushed back to her room to see her in that same position, vomiting, clutching her abdomen. Her legs still on one another...

" La... Laura p.. please" she begged in tears.
I can feel her pain!

But how did she end up in this? Why did she take the drug in the first place?

" You will be fine ma'am, just sit up please"

I helped her up, brought out the drug and a glass of water...

I sat her down with me supporting her !

" Open your mouth "
She did just that and I gave her the drugs!

" Lau... Ouch! " She said as she began rolling on the floor again.

I had to pick her up to the bed!
I gently laid her down and placed her head on my thigh while my hand soothing her back!

Let this work please!

" You will be fine okay, just calm down and rest "

After some minutes! She stopped talking! I could only hear her faint breathe...

It worked! Like a magic!

I stared at her innocent face as she sleeps peacefully!

If she knows this is a sickness, she should have gone for treatment!

How has she been coping?
I thought she just derive joy in having any man she wishes because of her wealth but I am wrong!

What happened in a whole day has made me believe that she does that unwillingly.

What baffles me was how on Earth she took the drug!

Was she not aware that it has side effects like this?

And on a second thought, I don't think she will do this to herself.
I mean no one in his right senses will ever take what's harmful to you.

Who could have possibly did this to her? For what reason will you do this to a fellow human?

This can't happen to me because I have learnt not to trust anyone I see!

Not everyone that smiles with you wish for your happiness!

Imagine what she's going through, for how long has this been in her body?

I wonder how many guys she's begged for s*x in this type of state!

Some a** leaking guys will even take advantage of her because of her condition!

I carefully placed her head on the pillow, covered her with the duvet an left the bed!

Her room is hell of a mess I need to clean up before I think of sleeping!



🌺 Hilda 🌺

He kissed my neckline as I mo*ned in pleasure!

Joel and I work together! I want the same and riches while he wants Brittany's riches!

Our plan is to make her penniless then we will get married!

" You know I love you baby " he said as his hand went into my b**bs!

" You say that all the time yet, you f*"k Brittany each f*"King day " I said practically annoyed!

I hate that fact that she's sharing my man with me.

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