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🌺  Hilda  🌺

I woke up on the floor with my back aching, my eyes swollen and my nose blocked due to the tears!

I have been locked up here for a day and half now!
The cell was the least place I have ever imagined to be and now here I am!

I cried not because I want Brittany to have mercy on me but because of what I have done to her!

I was shocked beyond reasonable doubt yesterday when she said she has less chance of having a baby of her own!

Is the drug that powerful? Sincerely, I didn't know it was gonna lead to that!

I never thought of that effect, the doctor that gave me those drugs didn't tell me about it!

Now I ruined her! What will life look like without being able to have a child to call yours?

I deserve more than being locked up here, even if she passes a death sentence to me. I will still be okay with it, I deserve everything!

But I regret my actions, I let my jealousy and envy took the best part of me!

Brittany now detest me, I am sure she hates seeing me!

I lost the only family I have due to my greed!

I lost a friend, a sister and a mother! She's been my all in all!

Life will be miserable without her, how do I survive?

I haven't gone through the pains she went through! I have done a lot to her!

I couldn't eat, sleep nor think straight! My life is a mess forever!

I can't stay without Brittany! She might forward this case to tell court then, I will be jailed for life!

AF2 is a hard drug band in the country, that alone will implicate me !

I am really sorry for everything! I now realized that you can't be like others by destroying them!

Despite everything I did to bring her down, she kept excelling high!

Brittany is a child of Grace! Her grace is so powerful !

I admire her hardwork because I can't even work like she do!

She's smarter than I am that's where the hatred started from but I don't hate her anymore!

I don't, I love her more than I do to myself!

I wish I can see her and apologize to her for the last time! Just that once!



🙈 (Read with your eyes closed) 🙈
Note: if you are below 🔞 please don't read further 😁. I can't cry o !

🌷 Brittany 🌷

I laughed loudly as I closed the door behind me.

Laura can be very crazy! With me just wearing a lingerie turned her on!

I could feel something like c**k bulging out of her trouser!
If she has a c**k then that's a bonus...wait why did I just think that? Is it possible tho....was I imagining?

I only planned to seduce her and it did work!

It wasn't up to a minute when she followed suit!

SHe did came in while I kept that innocent look on my face!

" Baby " she called huskily coming towards me!

SHe intentionally licked her lips wrapping her arms around me!

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