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💐 Laura  💐

I just couldn't concentrate! That's not what's bothering me!

The thought if Brittany filled my mind! Everything that concerns me revolves around her!

Since the incident yesterday evening, I have been avoiding her like a plague!

I am sure she will notice it too ! Avoiding her was the only thing I could think of, I thought it was going to let me forget about her for the main time but I guess I am lying to myself!

That isn't working!
Do you believe she comes in my dreams too? When I eat I think of her, sleep, sit, lay down, everything!

I have been wasting lots of papers since in writing a presentation!

When I print it out, I see I wrote jargons.  If not for the help of Karen this morning, my meeting with Mr Kings could have been effortless because of my inability to concentrate!

My mind was occupied with something else other than work and winning contracts !

My mind was home while I am at work !
I admit I love Brittany b.but I am no match for her!

That's what's scaring me from making a move!

What if I confess my feelings for her and she angrily throws me out of her house, deny me of my job and her company too? 

That's what my family and I depend on! How do we survive without her ? Like my salary!

I don't wanna do anything that I will regret later!

I love my job so much as it stands to be my only source of livelihood!

I have to keep my feelings to myself to avoid the worst happening!


" You are very stupid do you know that?" Carl said and I shot him a glare!

Did I come here just to be insulted? I just told him what has been bothering me and all he have to do is to insult me?

" Why the insult?" I asked

" seriously? You love her and you chose to keep it to yourself? Why are you letting your fears take the best part of you? "

He said and I kept mute! He's not in my shoe so he wouldn't understand!

" And with my observations so far, I am 99.9% sure she loves you too. She just want you to make the first move Laura, don't you get it?"

Does she truly love me? Carl isn't the first person that's saying this, I over heard her Mum the other day!

" Stop being childish, forget she's your boss dude. Love doesn't mean you have to be superior!

" Believe me, she won't turn you down that's because she loves you. Grab her and stop being afraid like an idiot "



🌺 Hilda 🌺

It came again! The pain, this time it worsen.

I felt like a very sharop knife was cutting me in between my legs!

My body became sweaty! Tears welled up my eyes!

My body tensed up, my area tightened! My abdomen began tingling!

God! Is this how I am going to die? I wish Laura didn't lock me in this godforsaken room, I could have just gone to have any man I see in sight!

The pain increased! It came to it peak were I couldn't bear it anymore!

I puked all over the bed clutching tight to my stomach and my legs on each other as I tried to suppress the addiction but it was in vain!

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