🌈20🌈 finale

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🌷  Brittany  🌷

When I handed over my company to Laura a year ago, I wasn't stupid! I knew she was gonna handle it very well

And of course, I believe she will never run away with my properties or ditch me!

Even if she was going to run away with it, the money in my account can build three of that company so I ain't worried!

My company has gotten more fame, our lives story is what people talk about!
Infact they envy our relationship!

Laura has been the best thing that ever happened to me!
SHe's my everything, I do rather loose everything than loseing her!

Next month will be our one year anniversary!

Yeah! Laura proposed to me a month after I handed her the company and we are married but still struggling to get pregnant!

It's been almost a year and no sign of pregnancy!

That breaks me a lot! I have cried and prayed silently to God for just a child!

I want a baby of my own! A baby I will labour to have;

My flesh and blood! That's what I want but Laura said we should adopt one!

I am not comfortable with that, that's not what I want! I want my baby!

I am happy I got everything but a child! It's behind my sadness and sleepless nights!

I feel like everyone wants a baby from me  but they just can't say it!
It saddened me!

Remembering that a friend did this to me added to my pain!

Hilda? I have forgiven her but it's something that I can never forget! Not while I am unable to give birth!

We are cool but not friends, she can seek for my help. That's if she needs one and I will do it for her.

I can't pay her back! If I mean to, she would rather wish for death than being alive!

" Hey babes " Laura said coming in.
I quickly wiped my tears but she still noticed!

Pecks of having a Wife that knows you very well!

" What's wrong baby " she asked seeing my mood.

I just can't pretend when I am with her! I can't! The sadness in my eyes says it all!

" Don't tell me it's about having a baby again! I thought we've discussed this Britt" she said sighing!

" I .I... I want my own baby Laura, yes I am happy but it's not complete without a baby. I need a baby " I said in tears

SHe pulled me to himself and hugged me smooching my back!

Maybe that's what I need at the moment! I need comfort! .

" You don't have to worry okay? I believe we will have our baby at the right time " she encouraged!
I just hope so , I hope so!



" How are you baby girl " I said to Ella kissing her cheeks!

Don't mind me, I know she can't answer but I can tell she's happy to see me!

Well, Ella is Carl's daughter! He got married 2months after our marriage and God blessed him with cute Ella!

She's just so adorable!

She held my necklace dragging it happily while I chuckled!
Only if she have the idea she's dragging me too!
She's just few months and very smart!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2022 ⏰

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