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🌷 Brittany 🌷

I blinked the tears forming in my eyes while she walked closer to me dripping wet with only a towel!

" What's wrong baby, are you..."

" Don't touch me Laura, don't " I yelled angrily!

She knew Hilda was the one that injected me with that and she kept quiet over it?

For how long has this been on her phone? For how long did she know about it?

She stared at me with confusion written all over her face while tears poured down freely!

" What's wrong Brittany? D...did I do something wrong?" She asked

" H..how could you keep this away from me Laura, how could you?" I asked playing the record for her and her eyes widened!

Did she think I was never going to find out?
Why did she now do the recording if she wasn't ready to tell me? Did she want Hilda to continue harming me in disguise as a friend?

" I.. I...I..I..am sorry Brittany, I was going to tell you..."

" When? When she finally kills me? I can't believe this " I said in anger and disappoinment!

Hilda betrayed me, she made me who I was then! She made me a mad woman over s*x !

She made men raped me countless times that I don't know! She made me drunk just for that purpose and I still saw her as a friend?

Mum warned me against her while growing up but I wouldn't listen!

If she can do that to me then she can definitely kill me!

And Laura? I trusted her to tell me everything that concerns me but she kept this away from me!

For what reason? Why?

" I am sorry okay? I was going to tell you believe me but I didn't want you to know about it now that you are undergoing treatment "

" I wanted to tell you when you are fully recovered Brittany, I didn't want you falling sick again "

" That was why I kept it away from you, please forgive me "

I sat down back on the bed with my head hung low!

My head is aching already! My nose was becoming blocked that I couldn't breathe properly due to the tears!

It hurts so much to be betrayed by the only one you trust!

I gave her everything, I supported her, loved her, cherished her, looked out for her like a sister and the only way to compensate me was to hate me?

What if Laura didn't come into the picture? I could have still been the same*x addict she turned me into?

Laura hugged me and I found myself burying my face in her chest crying harder!

I can't be mad at her, she didn't do anything!  She was just being concerned about my health so I shouldn't leash out on her!

" It's okay please, don't cry baby! I am here for you and I am glad you are fine now " she said in a comforting tone

" I..I trusted her Laura! " I said in between sobs.

She soothing my back and I felt at peace though sad!

" I know, but you have to calm down okay? We will sort everything out just don't cry please "

" You know I love you right?" She asked and I found myself smiling!

" Good, I want you to smile for me in every situation you find yourself and for Hilda? I am sure she's learnt her lessons and I know you are very mad at her, you deserve to "

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