Chapter Twenty-nine: A crowded place

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"Oof." I gasp a little as I was jostled by the large number of people in the square, Cole pulling me through the small gaps that he somehow managed to find. We ended up mid way between the large podium on top of a stage which was in the center of the square and a stone pillar that circled around the middle with five others. 

"You okay Miss Celestia?" Cole asks me as I bent over with my hands on my knees. 

"I'm fine, but next time- please find a different way through a crowd." I had started getting claustrophobic so I was really glad that we had stopped and that I didn't bring Suli and Jewel along since they would definitely get lost here. 

"I'm sorry." He hangs his head and looks at me with puppy-dog eyes to which I sigh and shake my head in amusement. "I'll make sure to do that."

"As long as you remember." I patted his head affectionally, his actions reminding me of Alaric as a young boy- he had done the same thing whenever I scolded him....

I swallowed the hard lump that suddenly appeared in my throat then quickly banished the trailing thought, refusing to start crying here. I stood besides Cole and looked towards the podium as people started to move up onto the stage.

A man steps up to the podium, though I was too far way to see him clearly. I was a little worried that we wouldn't be able to hear but there was a magic device attached to the podium which acted as a microphone- amplifying his voice easily over the square.

I listened intently but he droned on to the point that I was drifting off to sleep. The man was the Mayor of the Bondale, the name of this town that I now live in. From what I understood earlier- he was reiterating Alaric's many achievements up to the point of Alaric's rise to his rightful place as Emperor of the World, fulfilling the ancient prophecy from long ago.

I was a little sad that I had not witnessed the scene of his ascension since that was my favorite part of my sister's novel.


'Male Lead stands before the edge of the world, staring at the most dangerous being in Vesia.

"Do you think that you will be able to truly defeat me?!?!?!" The Demon of all demons bellows, three pairs of bat-like wings beating to keep the bleeding demon afloat. "You think that you have won?!"

"It seems to me that you have overestimated yourself." Male Lead smirks at the enraged demon. "Otherwise you would succeeded in your plan."

"You!!!" The demon curses, glaring at his enemy full of hatred. "This isn't the end! Eventually you too will- AHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh..............................."

He screams in pain, looking down at the sword that was suddenly sticking through his chest, severing his heart into two pieces. He starts to fall as his wings failed, reading the Male lead's lips before crashing down into the sea and rocks below.

[Your useless to me now so get out of my sight.]

Male lead listens to the demon's screams as he fell from the sky and watched as his wings were impaled by the sharp rocks below then broke, falling with him as he splashed into the sea.

"Is it over?" Male lead turns to look at his soulmate with a gentle smile.

"Yes, my love." He hugs her tightly. "It's done."

She looks up at the Male Lead, her pink lips parted- an open invitation for a kiss. He kisses her as the sun rose, rays of light surrounding them like a halo.

"{         }." She pulls away and calls the Male Lead's name as he started to glow. He rises off the ground a bit; surrounded by light.

When the light fades, it reveals the Male Lead: a pure adamantite crown with precious gems adorned the top of his head with a rich purple cloak hung from his shoulders with the emblem of the world in the center of his back. 

His overall air around him had changed; an oppressive aura surrounded him. Even a dragon would bow before him. 

"He is the one true Emperor of the World!" The members of his party gasp in awe as his Soulmate smiles. "All hail the Emperor! Long Live the Emperor!!!!"

They all kneel as the Male Lead moved forward and stood before them.

"You do not need to bow before me." He says, taking the hand of Barrett and raising him to his feet. "You are my friends." '


 I sighed after remembering what my sister had written and jumped when the crowd suddenly cheers loudly, flower petals flying in the air.

"All hail the Emperor!!" They shout, Cole joining in. I smiled when I noticed him looking at me.

"Cole." I tried to get his attention "Cole!" 

"Yes?!" He ends up having to yell in my ear from how loud the crowd was. 

"Do you mind if I go first?" I shout back. " I'm not feeling to well. Let me know if I miss anything else."

I was telling the truth, I was getting overwhelmed from the crowd and a headache was starting to form. He nods and I started on the long hard job of weaving through the crowd which took forever. 

I walked back to my shop, one hand rubbing my temple then suddenly freeze when I see someone standing at the entrance.

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