Chapter Forty-eight: A night of seduction

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Note: Things get a little steamy- for the faint hearted. 

I buried my head into Alaric's shoulder once Lady Laila was out of view as feelings of embarrassment washed over me. This was the first time that I've ever done something like that. But again, this was the first time that I really felt in love with another person.

Love can really change someone.

I could feel Alaric's arms tighten around me at my actions while amusement oozed out of his usual stoic demeanor. He starting chuckling a little as he walked to the door which became full blown laughter once we were inside our room.

I couldn't help but smile and laugh as well, his laughter was so infectious. 

Alaric flops down onto the bed, causing me to straddle him as he looked up at me.

"I see that there was some jealously in the room." He raises an eyebrow as he smiled. 

"Like you have room to talk." I pouted a little as I tried to move off of him, but he grabs onto my waist- holding me there. "You said that you hadn't met anyone."

"I've only met Lady Laila recently." He twirled a lock of my hair between his fingers before kissing it, watching every reaction that; I had no doubt, crossed my face.

I swallowed hard as I looked down at him. Seeing the way he was laying down under me, with his blouse untied which allowed me to see his muscles was way too much temptation and if this was like a anime or a manga- I would be having to deal with a nosebleed.

He pulls on my hand which caused me to practically lay on top of him as his hand traced small circles on my lower back. Being this close, I could see each of his eyelashes and was surprised to see that they were longer then mine- sending seductive shadows over his eyes.

We stare at each other for what seems like years before he leans up to kiss me. Alaric licks my bottom lip before gently biting it, asking me to open my mouth. 

I open it which allows his tongue to tangle with mine. 

When he finally pulled away, I found myself on the bottom with Alaric leaning over me as a satisfied look shone on his face. I grabbed onto his arm as he started to get up, unsure if I wanted to either be mad for suddenly kissing me or beg him for more.

"You need more rest." I could tell that he was holding himself back by the way he held himself away from me. "We continue once your well."

I found myself pouting again as I watched him leave the room. I lightly slapped my cheeks as I stood up heading to the door which opened out to the terrace, my hair swaying in the breeze.

I looked up to the sky and saw the crescent moon shining above, realizing that time had passed too quickly. Soon it will be a new moon and that was when my powers would be at it's weakest. I shivered a little from the cool wind right before a warm shawl was placed around my shoulders.

 I smile as I held Alaric's hand who had placed it around me. I look back at him; leaving an opening for him to quickly exploit, kissing me deeply again.

My legs buckled a little as he let go with a chuckle, once again sweeping me into his arms and caring me to bed.


A lone figure stood in the shadow as they watched the silver-haired Witch step out of the mansion. The urge to run and take her overflowed the figure but it held themselves back. 

The accursed man appeared behind her and the two shared a kiss. The figure stared at the couple until they disappeared back inside. It waited for a few more moments as the wind stilled, allowing silence to over take the area.

It was not time yet. They had orders to follow.

The figure turned and left, leaving behind a dead patch of grass.



I jumped at the sudden break in silence and looked over to see Alaric buried in paperwork. We were currently in his study, two large bay windows at his back which sunlight poured into the room, illuminating the many books which lined the bookshelves of the other three walls.

Alaric had brought me here right after breakfast and set me down on one of two comfy couches that faced each other over a coffee table which had a pot of tea and a plate of snacks for my enjoyment.

"Do you need me to help out with something else?" I was already assisting him with accounting since I had some experience with that from my job in my past life. Although it was making me miss calculators... and spread sheets.

He motions me to come closer, waiting until I stood next to him before pulling me into his lap and sighing as he listened to my heartbeat. I patted his head as he did, glancing over at the many documents that covered the richly carved mahogany desk.

"Why don't you come over and sit with me for a few moments?" I ask him. "If you take a short nap, that should help to refresh you."

Alaric seems to contemplate my words before standing up with me in his arms and sitting down on the couch with a small huff. I slid off his lap and handed him a scone before pouring a cup of tea.

He takes a few sips of the tea and sets it down before resting his head in my lap as his long legs hung over the side of the couch.

I couldn't help but giggle a little at how childish he was acting but I knew that he had been working hard to complete and read each of the documents. I was actually surprised at the sheer number of paperwork that appeared each time Valarie opened the door. 

I guess being the Emperor of the world wasn't just a fancy title.

 I look up at the sudden knock at the door. It was a different knock then when Valarie entered so this was someone new.

"Enter." Alaric orders from my lap, showing no intention of moving.

"Your Imperial Majesty?" A familiar voice appears as the door opens. "I was coming to see if-" 

The door opens completely as Lady Laila stood at the entrance.

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