Chapter Forty-five: Unexpected

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"This is the garden Madam." The head butler reports as she diligently showed me around the mansion. Alaric had her take his place as he dealt with paperwork.

"This place is amazing, Mrs. Trapp." I lightly touched the petals of a flower which was smoother then a kittens fur. "I can tell this place was well taken care of."

"There is no need for formalities Mistress." She bows. "You may call me Valerie."

"Then please call me Celestia." I looked back to smile at the grey-haired woman.

"Lady Celestia-." Valerie says but stops as I raised an eyebrow. "Miss Celestia."

I had to give in at that point, as the feeling that she would not allow herself to become overly familiar with me grew. Valerie was an excellent butler, I had seen her work as we went through the mansion: how the other maids and workers treated her with respect and how well cared for the rest of the place was.

It was quite clear that she was very capable and that Alaric trusted her.

"Could you tell me how you met Alaric?" I asked as we walked through the garden, passing sculpted hedges of animals and paused at a rose-covered gazebo.

"I had dismissed from my original job." Valerie stood at attention as I sat down on a stone bench, shaking her head lightly when I gestured for her to join me. "I had been framed by the lord who did not wish to take responsibilities for their actions. I happened to run into Master Alaric on my travels who listened to my story and assisted in clearing my name."

"That sounds like Alaric." I smiled, glad to know that he had turned into a respectful member of society instead of how he was in the novel- who didn't do something unless there was something in it for him.

"After that, I started working for him."

"I'm glad that someone capable like you is helping Alaric." I smiled. "Please make sure to take care of him; he will sometimes go over his limits."

I chuckled a little at the memory of him getting sick from reading all night long and how he pouted until I held his hand while he slept.

Valerie watched me for a few moments, before bowing. "I will keep that in mind. Thank you."

I got up once again, looking at her back as she lead me back inside. 'It looks like she likes me a little bit.'

I had noticed that many of the servants here acted awkward around me: since I am a Witch. Valerie herself had been watching me closely and it seemed that I had passed for the time being.


I leaned against the wisteria tree, breathing in its sweet scent as I relaxed. I slowly opened my eyes when I heard foot steps on the stone floor, seeing Alaric looking tired as he walked over to me.

"Hey." I scooched over to allow him to sit next to me, but Alaric surprises me by sitting down then putting his head on my lap. "Feeling tired?"

"Yes." He sighs, frowning a little.

"You should take breaks while your working." I scolded as I lightly rubbed between his eyebrows, with eases the wrinkles that where appearing.

"I did take a break."

"A break?" I quickly honed in his choice of words. "Your break should be 15 minutes long every hour."

"I will make sure to do that." Alaric sighs again as I watched him.

"Have you eaten?" I brushed my fingers though his black hair.

"...." Alaric remains silent for a moment under my scrutiny before shaking his head no.

"Alaric." I sighed deeply at his antics; it was times like these that I am reminded that even though he is the Emperor of the world- he was still just a young man. "You need to eat while working. It gives you energy. If you don't change your work habits- I won't sleep with you for a whole month."

I know better than most, what happens if you don't take care of yourself properly while working. My company in my past life would run us ragged on a regular basis and it wasn't uncommon for employees to randomly pass out at their desks.

I went to the hospital twice myself.

Alaric quickly sits up and grabs my hands, staring wide-eyed into my eyes.

"I'll take breaks and eat. I promise."

I fought hard to keep a straight face as he half begged me to take back my threat, it seems that that was the right thing to do to make him change.

"You can never break a promise." I warned, lips twitching upwards. "Understand?"

"Yes." He kisses my hand as a sign of his promise. "I will take breaks and eat meals as long as you continue to sleep at my side every night."

"Sur-" I paused, realizing what he had slid in there at the last moment. "Alaric-" I was about to scold him again when we were interrupted.

"Excuse me Master Alaric." Valerie suddenly appears and bows. "We have a guest who has just arrived."

"A guest?" I could tell that Alaric was upset at the fact that he wasn't able to get a promise out of me. "I wasn't expecting anyone. Who is it?"

"Lady Laila is here."

Alaric freezes for a moment, his face shifting ever so slightly that I wasn't even sure that it had changed.

"Lady Laila?" I questioned as Alaric got up and held out a hand to me.

"Someone I know." was is only response as he pulled me along side him, positioning my arm around his. "Have her wait in the drawing room."

"She is already waiting there Master." Valerie bows again before leading us to the room and opening the door.

I stepped through the door as the pit of my stomach dropped and sweat ran down my back. I wasn't sure why I was acting like a death row inmate who just found out that they already had their last meal; but I was having a really hard time trying to ignore it.

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