Chapter Sixty-two: Home

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I woke up to the sound of murmurs echoing softly around the room, but my view was obscured a thick chest and arms which were wrapped around me. I wanted to move back, but my body felt strangely heavy and weak so I was unable to put any strength into my arms or legs. 

I opened my mouth to say something but only grunts left my lips; but it was enough to let the person holding me know that I was finally awake.

"Tia!" I found myself being crushed into the warm chest before me as Alaric hugged me tightly.  "Your finally awake!"

I lifted my head back to look at him but he covers my mouth with his, kissing me deeply. 

"Hmm!!" I protested uselessly as his tongue wrapped around mine; I actually would of liked kissing him right now if it weren't for the fact that my mouth was extremely dry and the two of us kissing like this made my mouth feel gritty.

Alaric finally seems to notice that I was trying to pull back and looked at me confused. I motioned that I wanted something to drink which he quickly obliged, helping me sit up and lifting the glass. 

I rolled the water around my mouth before swallowing it and took another sip for good measure before I tried speaking.

"A-alric." I cleared my throat as it cracked a little and smiled at him. "How long have I been asleep?" I cringed a little from how hoarse my voice was.

"You were asleep for seven days." 

I could see the worry lines and dark circles under his eyes as he spoke and felt my heart clench.

"Sorry." I lowered my eyes, only to have Alaric lift up my chin to get me to look at him. 

"It's okay." He lightly kisses me on the lips. "It wasn't your fault. I'm just glad that your awake now."

We smile at each other, Alaric leaning in as his hand moves to tuck a lock of my hair back behind my ear and the other around my waist. Our lips barely touched when the door to the room slams open and I see Quinn, Kimbra, Blair, and the three guys standing in the hallway.

"It looks like we interrupted something." Kimbra raises an eyebrow as Blair starts to snicker while my face goes red-hot. "Good to see you awake, Celestia."

"Looks like all that kissing finally worked." Barrett nudges Nolo who remains impassive before flashing a small smile at me.

Barrett's comment makes me turn to look at Alaric who was looking away from me, but I could see the tip of his ears slowly turning pink in the last rays of sunlight through the window. 


Alaric and Kimbra filled me in as we all ate dinner in the room, Alaric insisting that I wasn't strong enough to eat by myself and proceeded to handfeed me the soup that rested on my lap. 

I wasn't allowed to eat anything hard since I hadn't eaten in so long. Suli had brought my food with Jewel, looking in better shape then I was. 

"So all of that really happened?" I asked in-between spoonful's. I was referencing the events of when they had come to rescue me since my memory was a little blurry after Radna had done something to my head.

"But we weren't able to kill him." Alaric clenched the spoon on his hand hard, easily snapping the metal in-half. "Though death would be too easy."

Tense silence filled the room as everyone's faces went dark, sending a small shiver down my back. I could tell they weren't joking.

"What happened afterwards? Once you went though the gate?" I quickly changed the subject. 

"We left the island and came back home by ship." Alaric says lightly, giving me the feeling that he was brushing over somethings.

"What about Lady Laila?" I asked, wishing that I could shove that question back into my mouth as I looked at the look on Alaric's face. 

"You won't have to worry about her anymore." His gentle smile returns as he looked at me. "She went back home."

"I see." I trialed off, looking at Reid and Blair's pale faces as they avoided my eyes. "That's good then, I suppose..."  I really didn't want to know what Alaric had done to Lady Laila and I could tell that no one was going to tell me regardless. 

I attempted to hide a yawn, but Alaric; of course, notices.

"Are you still tired?" He asks worried, placing his hand against my forehead.

"A little." I sighed with a small smile. "I feel both tired and not tired at all."

"Then let's have you get some more rest." Alaric waves his hand as everyone got up and filed out the door.

"Good night Celestia." Kimbra says as she closes the door behind her, leaving only Alaric in the room.

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