Chapter Seventy: Surprise Motherf-

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Warning: Okay really nasty part coming up- you have been warned!


"What!?!!??!!?!?" Radna shouts as his arms and legs were suddenly bound with the same razor thin wires that had taken down so many of his troops. "Do you think that these will hold me!?!?"

He flexed his arms, drawing blood as they tightened around his joints; but the wires did not break.

"HOW!!" Radna's face started to contort into his true appearance- not the rugged handsome face that he had worn for his vanity; but scales in an awful shade of mustard brown as his hair fell out, leaving open wounds and shining scabs. Coarse black hair grew out on his legs and up his back in patches as his hands twisted and popped with long yellow nails sprouted from his finger tips.  

"It's amazing what a little bit of science and magic can do." I gestured towards the men who stepped out from under the tree line, each pair holding onto a wire. "It was well worth the effort in making it."

"You d*mn Witch!!!" Radna cursed at me, straining himself as he started towards me, his eyes glowing red in anger.

I stood my ground as he tried fighting back but was secretly glad that the wires held. The soldiers behind him dug in their heels as they leaned back to keep Radna in place as I started to carve out symbols in midair with my wand, each one slowly darkening from white to black until they surrounded Radna.

He raised and spread out his wings, but the circle of symbols only expanded out to include them. Undeterred, Radna started to beat his wings which lifted him a few feet off the ground although he was wobbling a bit because his injured wing seemed to be able to flap as hard.

But it was enough to where the soldiers had to change their positions and I took a step back since it seemed like Radna was going to take to the sky- but it was a trick.

He suddenly stopped flapping his wings and dropped like a rock, causing the wires to loosen up just enough for him to lunge towards me once again and grab my arm.

"I'M GOING TO-...AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Radna starts to snarl with victory when all of a sudden, his arm was no longer attached to him. 

I winced at the sight and started to reach for the arm that a tight grip on me when a familiar hand beat me to it and peeled off each of the fingers, revealing puncture marks on my arm from Radna's long fingernails. 

"Tch!" An uncharacteristic sound came from the owner of that hand as he stood in front of me and B*tch slapped Radna with his own arm before destroying into dust. 

"YOU SON OF B-!!!!!!!" Radna growled at Alaric until he punched him in the throat, cutting off his next words.

"I don't recall ever giving you permission to touch my Tia." Alaric says coldly as he started down at the King of Demons. "Shouldn't you expect to loose something after doing so?"

My heart fluttered a little as I stared at Alaric's back, feeling the urge to hug him from behind but I gave myself a mental slap instead: this wasn't the time for that, I needed to finish what I started.

The tip of my wand glowed as vines grew from the floating symbols and launched themselves around Radna, weaving around his limbs and binding him tightly. He opened his mouth but was only able to make grunts due to how hard Alaric had hit him. 

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