Chapter Thirty: Traveling

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"Can I help you?" I ask, keeping a distance away from the person and reaching into my pocket for my wand. I have had few instances of strangers trying to take advantage of an 'young' unmarried woman living alone over the past 164 years so I could handle myself even without magic- but it was more of a safety precaution. 

"It's me." The man turns to look at me as Jewel pops out from behind. 

"Suli?" I had no idea that he could transform into a human. A seriously devastatingly handsome human. "Your human?"

He laughs, shaggy white hair covering his eyes and softening his chiseled jaw. "You were gone so long that we were worried; I thought it might be easier to travel as a human."

Suli still had the collar around his neck which reminded me of a host that I had seen advertised in my past life who was more of the cool and sophisticated with glasses. But even the human Suli was no match for Alaric, my heart started to ache as I made comparisons. 

"Well, I thank you for the thought." I smiled through the pain and walked through the door that he opened for me. "It was super crowded so I came back early."

"I see." Suli follow in behind me and prepares a cup of tea as I sat down with a sigh. A few minutes later he hands me the tea and sits down next to me.  "That is why you seem tired."

"Yep." We both knew the real reason but Suli doesn't say a word causing me to feel grateful. "They announced the Emperor."

Because of the Familiar contract, Suli had a semi-direct line to my thoughts and feelings. So it would be accurate to say that he is the only person who knows exactly how I am feeling with out me having to tell him. Of course; it's a two way street so I knew his side as well.

I had ended up telling him everything about my sister novel and what I had done to change it. Suli had listened carefully, asking questions every now and then. When I was finished, he pulled me into a hug and I have no idea how long I cried.

Suli was the big brother I never had. I love my sister but I had always wished to have a brother who annoy and protect their younger sisters like my friend from high school had.

"That's great..." Suli observes my face for a moment. "It's alright. "

I swallowed the lump from earlier that just seems like it won't go away before smiling at him.

Brother Suli, Brother Suli! Jewel jumps in, dispelling the gloom. Have you told Master yet?

"Tell me what?" I took another sip of the tea. 

"I received an message from an old friend who requested my assistance." Suli replies as I raised an eyebrow. "However, the trip to him is very long."

"I see." I set down the tea cup and stood. "Then it seems that it's time to start packing."


"Did you think that you would get to leave by yourself?" I patted his head before moving around the counter. "I think a change of pace would do some good."

I love traveling! Jewel barks in excitement as I started upstairs.

"What about the shop?" Suli follows me.

"I can have that part-timer open up like usual." I glanced back with a smile. "How long is the trip?"

"About a month there and a month back."

"Two months..." This was making me miss cars and planes.  "Then I will have them only open for about three days of the week."

Suli leans against the door frame as I pulled out my wand to start putting clothes into a small heap on the bed then transfer them into a dimensional bag.

"Also, go grab the map of the continent and show me where we are going- I might be able to get us closer with 'Warp'."

The warp spell is a travel spell- you can travel instantly anywhere in the world: as long as you have been there before and it's safe to say that I have traveled to each country at least once to their major cities just in case.

I head back down to the shop and see that Suli had unfolded the map out on the counter for me.

"So where is your friend?"


"Your long-time friend is a Dragon?!?!" I stood flabbergasted at the entrance to a large cave in the center of the Mirror Mountains.

We were currently in the country of Erton which is famous for it's hot springs, scenic views, and monster-infested mountains. Dragons specifically lived in the Mirror Mountains, which was actually a nicer name since it was surrounded in dense fog- making it a common occurrence for people to fall to their deaths from it's many cliffs or get consumed by a Mirage Phantom that lives in that fog. . 

Suli had neglected to mention that when we had started our journey. 

"Do you not like Dragons Celestia?" Suli was still in his human form. 

"Actually, I like Dragons." I sighed deeply. "But my master had told me multiple times to not get into any contact of any kind with Dragons... He wouldn't give me a straight answer, so I took that as a sign to avoid them."

"Since you and I have a Familiar Contract, you do not have to worry. I will protect you." Suli reassures me.

"I know that... but I'm starting to get a bad feeling..." I trailed off as we enter the cave. 

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